Friday, July 28, 2023

World's Amazing Stories- Biblical Giants Nephilim Believed to be Alive in Solomon Islands. They Can't Hide This!

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"Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the Blood of an Englishman!" Do you remember this from Jack & The Beanstalk? I've always wondered about that statement as it's also long been known that the Giants could SMELL your Blood? The Nephilim agenda is beyond believable to me and, there's something in my spirit which believes that these dirty buggers are being Housed in the D.U.M.B.'s or Deep Underground Military Bases. If you'd ever seen the Footage of Big Rigs driving in and out of Cheyanne Mountain, you'd question the entire narrative. 

 See, in Europe it's the Vatican and in the Americas, it's the Smithsonian Institute (I think China & Russia have their own Programs!) who have made short order of the procurement of the Bones of Giants, at least since the 30s. And, the Cover-up is beyond reproach, meaning, I personally have seen Newspaper articles, before they were swiped from the Archives of the finding of Bones in the Ohio Valley about 8-9 years ago. It appeared in the Paper, but, then they were made to remove it and to never mention it again! 

 So, what is it that I'm skirting around? Well, I've also heard Stories about, per se the "Giant of Kandahar" and "Nimrod in Stasis," etc. which 'll welcome YOU to Search for. Both Stories are still on Google, but, there's more to my hypothesis. believe that they've taken these Bones and just like the Feet of Clay spoken of in Daniel 2:33, these Scientists have taken the DNA from these Bones and Cloning the Army, Super Soldiers for the Last Battle of Armageddon! Now, I welcome the Throwing of Rotten Vegetables as well as telling me I am as crazy as a Loon, but...I stand FIRM on this!!


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