Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Sling and Stone- Another "Fake" Flight Attendant | Orbs & Al Jassasah | Demonic Sightings are Happening World Wide

I don't have a life since my Heart Attack and in many ways it's unfortunate, yet in other ways it is purely a Blessing! What I mean is that in these Last Days I am able to see more, learn more, Study more than ever before. And, the point is the fact that even today, the 26th of July, the Gov't is commencing an Oversight Committee of sorts to Study all of these UFO/UAP phenomena. Today is the 8th of Av, oddly enough and I do believe something of merit will arise. (My Goodness, we could be Raptured on the 9th of Av!!) 

I personally have seen/watched many of Shawn Ryan's episodes and they do deal with Gov't Coverups. As well UFO/UAP, the whole Alien Agenda is a huge Topic across the Internet as of late, maybe the last 6-8+ months? But, their knowledge of and, they've taken great care, and, gone to great measure to keep it ALL under wraps...until recently! Yes, they will explain away all those Raptured Souls, especially the Children using their own Re-Engineered Spaceships as well as Holograms. These Holograms are insanely real and I do believe they are about to, and, are setting up all, yes, getting their ducks in a row to explain away the Rapture. As well, it had occurred to me a few months ago, that there's a good chance that the Antichrist (the first) will be from A.I. as it implies in REVELATION 13:15; 

 "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."

I do happen to believe that the Rapture is THIS YEAR and I do believe it is very very soon as even the Gov't is gearing up for it!! And, yes, ABSOLUTELY...I know I sound Insane!!


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