Thursday, July 6, 2023

Shawn Ryan Show- Jim Caviezel - #1 Most Evil and Unforgivable Sin Will Haunt You for Eternity | SRS #64

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This is not my first Rodeo concerning Catholicism, I mean, I wanted to be a Nun. And, I do not have issue with Catholics, but, with those that detract, retract or refract from the first vision we should all have, that of How to Serve, How to be a Better Son or Daughter, but, most of all, How to be Spotless in Front of Our Lord, Jesus Christ! And, the ONLY way for this to happen is for us to seriously, earnestly call upon the Lord for our Salvation and for us to solemnly Repent for our Sins. It cannot be some mindless mantra we mumble and POOF, all is well, we're getting into Heaven when we Die ("Absence of the Body is to be present with The Lord!") or we're Raptured with the rest of the Church. Again, my issue is NOT with Catholics, but, with the Vatican and all those Vipers who crawl along with it. 

The good people who're committed to our Lord, but, were taught the wrong Doctrine, well, that is between themselves and God. As for Jim Caviezel, I think he is a man who truly wants to emulate Jesus. Pray for him so he might see, not his error, but, the lies the Vatican and "Their" type of religion speaks. I imagine if Jim only knew the true nature of that Beast, he'd distance himself. Pray for him, please? I see Jim Caviezel as a fine example of Christ. Yes, Pray that he and Jesus meet in the middle again as I've not seen a greater example in quite a long while!!


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