Saturday, July 8, 2023

Sling and Stone- Satan is PREPARING THE WORLD for the Antichrist 2023

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It's astonishing to me, at least that people do not realize that our Lord is a Warrior, from the Priestly Order of Melchizedek, an Order, that of a Man with no known beginning or end. But, Melchizedek is important enough that when Abraham came back from Warring, he gave 10% of his bounty to Melchizedek in homage/tithing. More importantly, to reiterate; Jesus is of the same Order, may actually be Melchizedek, and most assuredly a Bad Dude who came in Like a Lamb, but, will go out like a Lion! By the way; When we are Raptured, we will become "Just like Jesus" which means, we too will be of the Priestly Order of Melchizedek. I like that notion an awful lot, how 'bout you?


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