Saturday, July 29, 2023

Joe Rogan: Local News EXPOSED

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I'm NOT in the habit of Posting such secular fodder, however, if you're not privy to this nasty business, I want YOU to realize that YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO on a monumental scale! From JFK to the Moon Landing to the UFO/UAP Alien Agenda, you've been LIED to. From C-19 to Missing Children to East Palestine, OH to  the Border Crisis, you've been LIED to. They're ALL, our Gov't, the Networks, the Social Platforms, they're in cahoots to these Lies-n-Alibis. But, when YOU might catch them in squirrelling, cavorting or skirting the Truth, it's Blocked, Censored or called Conspiracy Theory. Soon, very soon, they'll LIE about the Rapture...and I cannot wait to be GONE!!


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