Wednesday, July 12, 2023

S4C- Dominion Theology, The Big Lie

C'mon, It's Time To Share!! 

It always struck a chord with me, the very power that Satan has in THIS World. Meaning; when Christ was being Tested by Satan, he took our Lord to the pinnacle, the very top of the Temple. Did you know that the apex of the Temple was 420ft in the air? And, then he had the audacity to again, take ahold of Jesus to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor, “All this I will give you,” he said. The point is; if he can do this to Yeshua/Jesus, our Messiah then we need to take putting on the Full Armor of God beyond serious, every single day!! Selah!!


#S4C, #PastorSandyArmstrong, #Rapture2023, #AcceptJesus, #Repent

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