Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Joel Rosenberg on TBN- Sodom & Gomorrah: Archaeologist DISCOVERS Startling Evidence | FULL EPISODE | The Rosenberg Report

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You MUST use your Visual and Literary Acruity when it comes to Content, i.e., Channels such as TBN, CBN or the likes. Yes, it takes Discernment in many respects to weed through the vast Jungle of your most rudimentary of Biblical Text, as well as Videos and Imagery. What I mean is that Satan works more hours than most, especially to fool the fool, to throw Grenades in your thinking and to make you disbelieve what the Bible tells us which we know to be FACT

Notice though; we only know it to be fact when we have Studied to show ourselves approved, otherwise much of even everyday life can go right over our heads. The most important thing I am trying to impart is that we must be very mindful to what we allow ourselves to see and hear. However, we can't shut the door completely, IF WE HAVE DISCERNMENT. And, this is because, if you're Dining, entirely at The Lord's table, you will know when you're being buggered, lied to or snookered.

This Video is an excellent example of my point; It is, primarily from a Scientific standpoint, but, with Christian leanings. In other words, there's much to garner from this Video as it Feeds Your Faith, does it not, if it proves the Bibles validity? But, if we stood on the premise that, "Oh no, I cannot bear to watch something from those half-wits at TBN," then it is US who lose out. Put on the Full Armor of God, as, "It's a Jungle out there!"


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