Thursday, July 20, 2023

Sling and Stone- 2 MONTHS AWAY?? Jesus is Coming VERY SOON?? Feast Of Trumpets Rapture September 15, 2023

Why Not Share!! 

The 9th of Av is considered, for both Jew and Gentile alike, the most tumultuous day, is it not? After all, notably, two Temples were destroyed whilst both WW l & WW ll began on the 9th of Av. So, would it not also be, for, both Jew and Gentile the biggest day known to Man? I mean for the Jew, it'll be insulative, a smack in the face for their God to act on our behalf us, the Gentile filthy Goyim all the while, it begins their Tribulation! If I were in Israel that Great Day, it'd be more than dismal and it'll kick-off the Countdown of their hopeful redemption, yet their greatest learning curve! 

 As well, the Jewish Idioms, per se speaking of the Bridegroom; he picks his Bride, shares Wine with his soon-to-be Bride, not to drink of Wine again till they both drink together. He then goes, and, most paramount, with his Father, he "Builds" a place for her, his new Bride to live. It is then and only then, the Father tells him, the Bridegroom that it is time to, "Go get your Bride!" Before he leaves, he has prepared a Banquet for his new, soon-to-be Bride and the Guests. So, the Bridegroom doesn't even know that Appointed Time which is given to him only by his Father!


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