Thursday, July 13, 2023

Dr Barry Awe- The RAPTURE may happen when our FATHER prophesied... do you disagree?

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Glean! We MUST ALWAYS Glean with a careful and Discerning eye. Dr. Barry's Channel is an excellent example of what I speak of concerning our Scriptural quest for knowledge. What I mean is this; In this Video Dr Barry mentions the "Dark Forces" telling certain people that "They are wrong" or they are Teaching, in error the wrong Doctrine. Much of this comes from Channels that I personally find error with whether it be from their personal views towards their own dress or love of expensive watches to go with those expensive clothes blah blah blah! 

I have always said, "If you are looking for fault, YOU WILL find it. That is applicable to anything and/or everybody! I did not intend to write Commentary towards this, but, it's important sometimes to state the obvious; You're NOT going to be right every time, all the time. More importantly, be careful slinging rocks as they usually get bigger as they go!! Quite actually, I cannot express exactly what I mean except to say; I hope it's important enough to be salacious towards each other, make sure that Jesus stands by YOU!!


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