Saturday, July 29, 2023

Saint AVS- MEL GIBSON Exposes Hollywood 🚨 But This is What They Won't Tell You! The Sound of Freedom

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He has some Good Points, even as young as he is, I was impressed, in many respects!!


@WorldsAmazingStories- Gilgamesh Tomb has been Found


Sling and Stone- The "Non-Human" Antichrist Agenda has OFFICIALLY Been Revealed to the World | Spirit of Antichrist

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Sling and Stone- CIA Super Soldiers, Giants, and Missing People in National Parks

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Comment on Original Post;
You can bet your bippy that these Super Soldiers already exist as we've been in a race against China and Russia to get ahead on this subject. It is my firm belief that they're housing these SS at the D.U.M.B.'s in Cheyanne Mountain as well as other locations across the U.S. But, even that Story may not be as colossal as the Chimera you must know exist. DNA extraction techniques and replicators have allowed them to extract said DNA from the Bones of Giants as well as a Breeding Program to further their agenda. Several years ago, the UK announced that they'd been successful in breeding a half human/half pig, etc. And, just as they soft-sell everything they do, this subject is no different. 

If they're telling you that they've mastered this, it is only to gauge our reactions and adjust accordingly. So, if they've told us in plain terms that this is what they've done, quadruple that assessment and expect it to be far more outlandish. As well, just a couple of years ago, a retiring Mossad Chief revealed that we'd been in contact with the Alien life forces and had hatched (no pun intended) an Interstellar Agreement with them whereby we would stand down, allow them their Research as well as their Breeding Programs for a short-time. I think that time was up in 2020, oddly enough the Jewish Year of Correction. Yes, it's about to get really really ugly and understand this; World War III will be short-n-sweet, fought with A.I., Super Soldiers as well as the End bringing about the ultimate with us, the Church as we Return with Christ and it is my personal belief that WE fight alongside our Lord, Jesus Christ against all of the above as well as the Fallen. See ya there!!


Re-Post; "Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the Blood of an Englishman!" Do you remember this from Jack & The Beanstalk? I've always wondered about that statement as it's also long been known that the Giants could SMELL your Blood? The Nephilim agenda is beyond believable to me and, there's something in my spirit which believes that these dirty buggers are being Housed in the D.U.M.B.'s or Deep Underground Military Bases. If you'd ever seen the Footage of Big Rigs driving in and out of Cheyanne Mountain, you'd question the entire narrative. 

 See, in Europe it's the Vatican and in the Americas, it's the Smithsonian Institute (I think China & Russia have their own Programs!) who have made short order of the procurement of the Bones of Giants, at least since the 30s. And, the Cover-up is beyond reproach, meaning, I personally have seen Newspaper articles, before they were swiped from the Archives of the finding of Bones in the Ohio Valley about 8-9 years ago. It appeared in the Paper, but, then they were made to remove it and to never mention it again! 

 So, what is it that I'm skirting around? Well, I've also heard Stories about, per se the "Giant of Kandahar" and "Nimrod in Stasis," etc. which 'll welcome YOU to Search for. Both Stories are still on Google, but, there's more to my hypothesis. believe that they've taken these Bones and just like the Feet of Clay spoken of in Daniel 2:33, these Scientists have taken the DNA from these Bones and Cloning the Army, Super Soldiers for the Last Battle of Armageddon! Now, I welcome the Throwing of Rotten Vegetables as well as telling me I am as crazy as a Loon, but...I stand FIRM on this!!

Joe Rogan: Local News EXPOSED

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I'm NOT in the habit of Posting such secular fodder, however, if you're not privy to this nasty business, I want YOU to realize that YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO on a monumental scale! From JFK to the Moon Landing to the UFO/UAP Alien Agenda, you've been LIED to. From C-19 to Missing Children to East Palestine, OH to  the Border Crisis, you've been LIED to. They're ALL, our Gov't, the Networks, the Social Platforms, they're in cahoots to these Lies-n-Alibis. But, when YOU might catch them in squirrelling, cavorting or skirting the Truth, it's Blocked, Censored or called Conspiracy Theory. Soon, very soon, they'll LIE about the Rapture...and I cannot wait to be GONE!!


Friday, July 28, 2023

S4C- Wake Up Church

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World's Amazing Stories- Biblical Giants Nephilim Believed to be Alive in Solomon Islands. They Can't Hide This!

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"Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the Blood of an Englishman!" Do you remember this from Jack & The Beanstalk? I've always wondered about that statement as it's also long been known that the Giants could SMELL your Blood? The Nephilim agenda is beyond believable to me and, there's something in my spirit which believes that these dirty buggers are being Housed in the D.U.M.B.'s or Deep Underground Military Bases. If you'd ever seen the Footage of Big Rigs driving in and out of Cheyanne Mountain, you'd question the entire narrative. 

 See, in Europe it's the Vatican and in the Americas, it's the Smithsonian Institute (I think China & Russia have their own Programs!) who have made short order of the procurement of the Bones of Giants, at least since the 30s. And, the Cover-up is beyond reproach, meaning, I personally have seen Newspaper articles, before they were swiped from the Archives of the finding of Bones in the Ohio Valley about 8-9 years ago. It appeared in the Paper, but, then they were made to remove it and to never mention it again! 

 So, what is it that I'm skirting around? Well, I've also heard Stories about, per se the "Giant of Kandahar" and "Nimrod in Stasis," etc. which 'll welcome YOU to Search for. Both Stories are still on Google, but, there's more to my hypothesis. believe that they've taken these Bones and just like the Feet of Clay spoken of in Daniel 2:33, these Scientists have taken the DNA from these Bones and Cloning the Army, Super Soldiers for the Last Battle of Armageddon! Now, I welcome the Throwing of Rotten Vegetables as well as telling me I am as crazy as a Loon, but...I stand FIRM on this!!


Thursday, July 27, 2023

@KapChatfield- This Will Blow Your Mind!!

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Seems the voice/speech is not in sync, but, the Message sure is!!


Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Kap Chatfield- Scientific Study PROVES Praying in Tongues is SUPERNATURAL?? (Christian Reaction)

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Again, allow me to reiterate that I DO NOT agree with everything on every Channel, nor do I expect anyone else to that watches these Videos. I Pray that each and every one of you has Discernment and are able to know or feel when something, in your spirit doesn't sit well? As for me, I will say this much; When I see anyone, especially behind a microphone spouting out Tongues, I tend to discount it. The Study of 1 Corinthians 14 is the key to Tongues and its understanding. We are reminded, again in Cor. 14 that to speak in Tongues without an Interpreter benefits, really, only the person speaking. Well, it can easily be seen as "Showing-Off! or Showing-Out!!" I am only repeating what I have personally heard, by the way!
Byline; I found this very astute and would love it if they did more in depth Studies, Amen?


Sling and Stone- Another "Fake" Flight Attendant | Orbs & Al Jassasah | Demonic Sightings are Happening World Wide

I don't have a life since my Heart Attack and in many ways it's unfortunate, yet in other ways it is purely a Blessing! What I mean is that in these Last Days I am able to see more, learn more, Study more than ever before. And, the point is the fact that even today, the 26th of July, the Gov't is commencing an Oversight Committee of sorts to Study all of these UFO/UAP phenomena. Today is the 8th of Av, oddly enough and I do believe something of merit will arise. (My Goodness, we could be Raptured on the 9th of Av!!) 

I personally have seen/watched many of Shawn Ryan's episodes and they do deal with Gov't Coverups. As well UFO/UAP, the whole Alien Agenda is a huge Topic across the Internet as of late, maybe the last 6-8+ months? But, their knowledge of and, they've taken great care, and, gone to great measure to keep it ALL under wraps...until recently! Yes, they will explain away all those Raptured Souls, especially the Children using their own Re-Engineered Spaceships as well as Holograms. These Holograms are insanely real and I do believe they are about to, and, are setting up all, yes, getting their ducks in a row to explain away the Rapture. As well, it had occurred to me a few months ago, that there's a good chance that the Antichrist (the first) will be from A.I. as it implies in REVELATION 13:15; 

 "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."

I do happen to believe that the Rapture is THIS YEAR and I do believe it is very very soon as even the Gov't is gearing up for it!! And, yes, ABSOLUTELY...I know I sound Insane!!


Friday, July 21, 2023

@WheelOfFaithOfficial- God's Hall of Fame - Powerful speech | Jim Caviezel


@KapChatfield- Does The Holy Spirit Leave When You Sin?


@KapChatfield- What Are The Odds


S4C- One Rapture Truth

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*Ephesians 5:1-15

 I remember it like it was yesterday. He'd say, "It's Paul Harvey...Good Day!!"


Thursday, July 20, 2023

Meanwhile in Turkey, The Seat of Satan


ENDTIME DREAM & VISION- Governments Preparing for the 9th of Av Through Feast of Trumpets! Rapture Resurrection!

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The 9th of Av as well as Feast of Trumpets, it's sure looking good! I do believe, Folks, we are rounding the bases this time!!


Sling and Stone- 2 MONTHS AWAY?? Jesus is Coming VERY SOON?? Feast Of Trumpets Rapture September 15, 2023

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The 9th of Av is considered, for both Jew and Gentile alike, the most tumultuous day, is it not? After all, notably, two Temples were destroyed whilst both WW l & WW ll began on the 9th of Av. So, would it not also be, for, both Jew and Gentile the biggest day known to Man? I mean for the Jew, it'll be insulative, a smack in the face for their God to act on our behalf us, the Gentile filthy Goyim all the while, it begins their Tribulation! If I were in Israel that Great Day, it'd be more than dismal and it'll kick-off the Countdown of their hopeful redemption, yet their greatest learning curve! 

 As well, the Jewish Idioms, per se speaking of the Bridegroom; he picks his Bride, shares Wine with his soon-to-be Bride, not to drink of Wine again till they both drink together. He then goes, and, most paramount, with his Father, he "Builds" a place for her, his new Bride to live. It is then and only then, the Father tells him, the Bridegroom that it is time to, "Go get your Bride!" Before he leaves, he has prepared a Banquet for his new, soon-to-be Bride and the Guests. So, the Bridegroom doesn't even know that Appointed Time which is given to him only by his Father!


Sling and Stone- PROPHECY ALERT Jordan River is Drying Up and the Dead Sea is Coming to Life 2023

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God A Minute?- It's Perfect! King David 1,000 Years Before Christ & 3,000 Before The Millennial Reign

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Rather Nifty, from Aaron @God A Minute?

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

S4C- Missed The Rapture? Shame On You!

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Feed Your Faith! Gems of Truth- "Noah's Flood is NOT a Myth!" Geologists Confirm

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KINGDOM REACTS- HOLLYWOOD EXPOSED! | Mel Gibson LEAKS Oprah's Secret Agenda In Relation To 'Sound Of Freedom'

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Of course, this whole Story was squashed by the Mainstream Media. But, what many may not know is the Story, the Allegations the true part of the goings on of John of God. It was Reported initially that what they found when they searched the Grounds was none other than a Baby Farm. They were Housing Women, John was impregnating them and the poor Babies were being Sold for thousands of Dollars. I will leave it to your thought processes to imagine what these Children were Sold for. But, I will give you a Hint; They were Sold, for the use of at least three different reasons, all nefarious! We are living in an Evil, debauched World and I cannot wait till the Lord, Jesus Christ does His bidding, His will at His Appointed times!


Friday, July 14, 2023

Sling and Stone- Demonic Sightings are Happening World Wide | Woman Claims Flight Attendant isnt Real | Real Dragon??

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Personally, well, I saw the Footage of the Woman on the Plane. And, if I were a betting person, I would've banked on the realness, well, I must say that I believed her!! This is the problem with the World right now; They discount, especially the Evil that prohibits most from their true happiness, health and wellbeing. If we only took to the understanding that Satan is really real and his minions are busy buggers who're making short-work out of us. Thus, I am reminded that we MUST put on the Full Armor of God the very minute we rise! Amen!


Thursday, July 13, 2023

Dr Barry Awe- The RAPTURE may happen when our FATHER prophesied... do you disagree?

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Glean! We MUST ALWAYS Glean with a careful and Discerning eye. Dr. Barry's Channel is an excellent example of what I speak of concerning our Scriptural quest for knowledge. What I mean is this; In this Video Dr Barry mentions the "Dark Forces" telling certain people that "They are wrong" or they are Teaching, in error the wrong Doctrine. Much of this comes from Channels that I personally find error with whether it be from their personal views towards their own dress or love of expensive watches to go with those expensive clothes blah blah blah! 

I have always said, "If you are looking for fault, YOU WILL find it. That is applicable to anything and/or everybody! I did not intend to write Commentary towards this, but, it's important sometimes to state the obvious; You're NOT going to be right every time, all the time. More importantly, be careful slinging rocks as they usually get bigger as they go!! Quite actually, I cannot express exactly what I mean except to say; I hope it's important enough to be salacious towards each other, make sure that Jesus stands by YOU!!


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

S4C- Dominion Theology, The Big Lie

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It always struck a chord with me, the very power that Satan has in THIS World. Meaning; when Christ was being Tested by Satan, he took our Lord to the pinnacle, the very top of the Temple. Did you know that the apex of the Temple was 420ft in the air? And, then he had the audacity to again, take ahold of Jesus to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor, “All this I will give you,” he said. The point is; if he can do this to Yeshua/Jesus, our Messiah then we need to take putting on the Full Armor of God beyond serious, every single day!! Selah!!


#S4C, #PastorSandyArmstrong, #Rapture2023, #AcceptJesus, #Repent

Biblehub- Bible Timeline

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I was not aware of it till tonight, but, Biblehub has a full Biblical Timeline listing all pertinent Times. This is a most useful Tool!!


Bible Timeline Complete Biblical Timeline

Joel Rosenberg on TBN- Sodom & Gomorrah: Archaeologist DISCOVERS Startling Evidence | FULL EPISODE | The Rosenberg Report

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You MUST use your Visual and Literary Acruity when it comes to Content, i.e., Channels such as TBN, CBN or the likes. Yes, it takes Discernment in many respects to weed through the vast Jungle of your most rudimentary of Biblical Text, as well as Videos and Imagery. What I mean is that Satan works more hours than most, especially to fool the fool, to throw Grenades in your thinking and to make you disbelieve what the Bible tells us which we know to be FACT

Notice though; we only know it to be fact when we have Studied to show ourselves approved, otherwise much of even everyday life can go right over our heads. The most important thing I am trying to impart is that we must be very mindful to what we allow ourselves to see and hear. However, we can't shut the door completely, IF WE HAVE DISCERNMENT. And, this is because, if you're Dining, entirely at The Lord's table, you will know when you're being buggered, lied to or snookered.

This Video is an excellent example of my point; It is, primarily from a Scientific standpoint, but, with Christian leanings. In other words, there's much to garner from this Video as it Feeds Your Faith, does it not, if it proves the Bibles validity? But, if we stood on the premise that, "Oh no, I cannot bear to watch something from those half-wits at TBN," then it is US who lose out. Put on the Full Armor of God, as, "It's a Jungle out there!"


Saturday, July 8, 2023

World Mizrachi- Six Days of Miracles

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 The 6 Day War is charged with, encompassed by numerous, undeniable Miracles. I mean, I personally have heard of at least two such Miracles NOT mentioned in this Video. One such Miracle entailed a Kibbutz occupied primarily by Women and their Children as well as Old Men no longer able to fight. Someone got the bright idea to Attack and Eliminate the Kibbutz and they sent a Team out for just such an expenditure. But, the Dirty Dogs reported that the Kibbutz was "Heavily Patrolled" by "Big Men" in White Robes and could NOT take the location. Hmm, who do you suppose they were?


Sling and Stone- Satan is PREPARING THE WORLD for the Antichrist 2023

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It's astonishing to me, at least that people do not realize that our Lord is a Warrior, from the Priestly Order of Melchizedek, an Order, that of a Man with no known beginning or end. But, Melchizedek is important enough that when Abraham came back from Warring, he gave 10% of his bounty to Melchizedek in homage/tithing. More importantly, to reiterate; Jesus is of the same Order, may actually be Melchizedek, and most assuredly a Bad Dude who came in Like a Lamb, but, will go out like a Lion! By the way; When we are Raptured, we will become "Just like Jesus" which means, we too will be of the Priestly Order of Melchizedek. I like that notion an awful lot, how 'bout you?


Thursday, July 6, 2023

MATURE CHRISTIAN, Biggest Shroud Of Turin Discovery Ever Made

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I stumbled upon this. But, I know nothing about the Channel. However, I found this Video noteworthy as I wholeheartedly BELIEVE in the Shroud Of Turin! This is absolutely worth Researching if you've not already. Simply riveting!!


RMBC HEBREWCLUB #199: Pt2 "Satanic Post Tribulation Rapture Doctrine" + Q & A

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S4C- "Satanic Post Tribulation Rapture Doctrine"

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Shawn Ryan Show- Jim Caviezel - #1 Most Evil and Unforgivable Sin Will Haunt You for Eternity | SRS #64

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This is not my first Rodeo concerning Catholicism, I mean, I wanted to be a Nun. And, I do not have issue with Catholics, but, with those that detract, retract or refract from the first vision we should all have, that of How to Serve, How to be a Better Son or Daughter, but, most of all, How to be Spotless in Front of Our Lord, Jesus Christ! And, the ONLY way for this to happen is for us to seriously, earnestly call upon the Lord for our Salvation and for us to solemnly Repent for our Sins. It cannot be some mindless mantra we mumble and POOF, all is well, we're getting into Heaven when we Die ("Absence of the Body is to be present with The Lord!") or we're Raptured with the rest of the Church. Again, my issue is NOT with Catholics, but, with the Vatican and all those Vipers who crawl along with it. 

The good people who're committed to our Lord, but, were taught the wrong Doctrine, well, that is between themselves and God. As for Jim Caviezel, I think he is a man who truly wants to emulate Jesus. Pray for him so he might see, not his error, but, the lies the Vatican and "Their" type of religion speaks. I imagine if Jim only knew the true nature of that Beast, he'd distance himself. Pray for him, please? I see Jim Caviezel as a fine example of Christ. Yes, Pray that he and Jesus meet in the middle again as I've not seen a greater example in quite a long while!!


Sunday, July 2, 2023

Sling and Stone- He Exposed the Vatican's DARKEST SECRETS That You Weren't Suppose To Know

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I was Born and raised Catholic. In fact, my Dad called BINGO and my Mom taught CCD Classes which, now if I look back upon that time, it must've been a great Honor for her! I have NOT been Catholic for some 50+ years now!
Many of this persuasion are misled unequivocally as their Doctrines are NOT Biblical measure or Canonical, basically; only to/for Catholicism. If nothing else, the Vatican is a SHAM! There is no Commandment to Pray to Mary, or Confess your Sins to a Priest when, in fact we are to go straight to Jesus with a Repentive Heart
But, there are many egregious instances of foul Catholic Doctrine, one of which is  i.e., where we're NOT to Pray to Idols as "our God is a jealous God" and yet, Catholics Pray to and give homage to Statues such as Joseph & Mary. And, we've not even touched on the truly "Known" Evils inside and around the Vatican. There is no way that it can be denied any longer!!

The Devil is out of the Bag. He has full accommodations at the Vatican!



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