Thursday, February 29, 2024

DLM Christian Lifestyle- Will PETS go to HEAVEN? || WHAT the BIBLE SAYS about ANIMALS in HEAVEN

Woof Woof Share!



Time is Short-Share It!!


End Times Productions- Declassified Documents Reveal Fallen Angels ☢️END TIME ALERT☢️

Good Stuff Gotta Share!! (This is from 4yrs ago, but still very relevant!)


❤️Just Smile❤️@Ryan.Robert- Neil The Seal 😍

 Smile & Share!!-I am almost positive that I Dated Neil the Seal some umpteen years ago! Yes, I think I remember now; Hot, fishy breath, oh my!!

Aliyah Return Center- (Day 146) Swords of Iron- “Leadership Qualities”


,🔥Just on Fire🔥The Return of the King- The Exodus, the Eclipses and the Rapture.

It's Nice to Share!!


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

☢️Just Crazy☢️@DailyDoseOfMasculinity - FATHER DESTROYS A Woke SCHOOL BOARD


Grace Digital Network- Babylon: Past, Present, and Future | Nimrod, Anti Christ And A New World Order

Gonna have to watch this again. I was half-asleep and I'm not sure if I agree with the juxtaposition behind their lineage, etc. I do apologize if I've steered you wrong as other Videos they've done are spot on!!


💡Just Interesting 💡 @memeXDee- Daily Dose of Memes pt1


Paul Joseph Watson- Noticing more strange patterns.

 Can I Have You Share???

God A Minute?- Ruth Rapture Theme In The Coming Eclipse

Time to Share!!


Redeemer's Hand Ministries- Heaven, What No Eye Has Seen! ⏰Rapture Time⏰

Share It!!

I've heard Testimony of a few NDE's whereby they Died and went to Heaven, briefly. It all sounds so, what's the word? Heavenly, I do believe! One little girl, who Died, spoke to Jesus and was on the way to HER Home when she came back to her body. She said that even the Flowers sing and there were Colors unexplainable! I don't about you, but have you noticed there has been a great uptick of people and they're sharing A.I. Generated Heavenly Jerusalem Pics, all the time. Well, I don't know about you, but I am beyond amped and ready to go! Amen!


💡Just Interesting 💡@HistoryVersez- Historical Photos! #photo #history #historicalphotos


כאן | חדשות - תאגיד השידור הישראל- The trauma of 9 year old Emily, who was released from Hamas captivity

Please Share This Insightful Video!!- ( Thomas Hand exclaimed, "Destroy Hamas!!" I agree!!)


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

🤡End Times Crazies🤡@prettygary8862- Wannabe Kiss of Death!! #Lady #Gaga #reels #viral


Sky News Australia- Lefties Losing It: Rita Panahi in hysterics over ‘Gaybourhood’ woman shrieking



#S4C- Midweek Study, "Satan's Tool Voddie Bauchum" 😈End Times Behavior😈

Sure You Should Share!!


Aliyah Return Center- (Day 144) Swords of Iron- “Push and pull factors” ☢️END TIME ALERT☢️ (Brotherly Love)

Take Time & Share!!


' Sling and Stone- He's Right in Front of Our Eyes, But Most People Don't SEE it 🚨Big Time Rapture Alert🚨

Really Shareable!!


❤️Just Smile❤️ @petfriendships- "I think I like this little life"😂😂😂 #funny #viral #shorts #pets #petsfriendships


End Times Productions- The Truth About Angels Is Hidden From the Public

Just Gotta Share!!


✮Feed Your @CliffBuell ‧ ATHEIST Adam Curry with Joe Rogan 🔥Bold Believers🔥


Monday, February 26, 2024

❤️Just Smile❤️The Elsa Kurt Show,- "Kamala" as a 911 dispatcher. *Parody

You Should Share!!

Hey, don't ya know, if I don't laugh, every now and again, I might cry. If I start crying, well kids, that's all she wrote!!


🌸Just Appreciate🌸Israel MyChannel- SECRET GATE TO THE TEMPLE NO ONE TALKS ABOUT! !!

Nice to Share!!

My Parents were the fortunate ones as they went to Israel some 2-3 times a year. And, they'd always come Home with evidence in the way of Photos. You know the old, vintage Carousel Slide Projector. I'd do just about anything to see some of those Slides today. I must say I am so impressed with the Architecture in all it's glory. 

Yes, as I was watching the Video, as I said, I was reminded of the Slides my Parents first brought Home, I think in the 70s. And, I can distinctly remember my Dad (RIP) narrating those Slides and he said that, "As you see, Israel has 'come to life, again' IN ALL IT'S GLORY some 2000 years after Christ walked the Earth. And, in this Slide, it shows just how they did it with their State-of-the-Art Irrigation Systems. Most importantly, just as the Bible Prophesied, the 'Fig Tree has Blossomed." 

I can surely appreciate that moment in time. I only wish now, today, that I might've realized just how important and eventful that Prophecy is/was and will be!


Sky News Australia- Lefties Losing It: Rita Panahi mocks vegan protester with feet in cement block

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Mike (Exile)- Lady Gaga Mocks God and Gets INSTANT Judgment

Gonna Share???

I do not watch ANY of those Award Shows, but, I have seen enough Videos, example Footage to know, to recognize Satanic Rituals and spoken mantras, invoking the spirits, to absolutely, unequivocally say; They're doing this, all of it IN YOUR FACE!! There's no Shame in Their Game and I do suppose it'll only get worse. Yes, Kids, we're going to Hell on Earth  in a Hand Basket if we don't soon get Raptured. My goodness...I cannot wait!!


Sunday, February 25, 2024

🔥Just on Fire🔥RMBC HebrewClub #228: "Knowing The Word Of God" ⏰Rapture Time⏰

C'mon, Share With Friends!!


ENDTIME DREAM & VISION- Daniel's 70th Week Convergence! WW3! Israel Surrounded! American Eclipse! Times almost Up!

Please Share!!

Oddly, when Greg said the words, "Hand in Hand," it hit me, big time of the possibility that if/when Iran/Persia Hits Israel, with Nuclear devices, they just may Hit us in Tandem. This would disable us of coming to the aid of Israel! And, the Bible says that we will be neutralized in "One Hour!" As well, I am of the Belief that the possibility exists that the Antichrist might possibly be an A.I. generated Image as it states in Rev. 13:15 where it explicitly says "the Image of The Beast!"


'Many Fishers- Coincidences' Between the Lines.Trump Building 40 Wall St. Arches of Baal. St Patricks Rebellion

Go Ahead & Share It!!

It is a FACT that they use the Ley Lines for ALL their Planning in Architecture, Sacrificial Practices as well as ALL Rituals!! You should Research it and be amazed!!


🎬Sunday Movies🎬 Vision Video- Bible Collection: Genesis (2011) | Full Movie

SHARE...The Popcorn!!


ALLTHINGSZUZU- The Solar Eclipse, Apocalypse do not watch this if you get scared ☢️END TIME ALERT☢️

Time's Short-Gotta Share!! Voted "Best Prophetic/Instructive Video of 2024!!"🏆


Aliyah Return Center- (Day 142) Swords of Iron- “Double Standard?” ☢️END TIME ALERT☢️

Remember & Share!!


ENDTIME DREAM & VISION- 2024 Convergence! Rapture! Eclipses! Red Heifers! War! Analyzing Data! Watchmen Watercooler Talk!

A Must to Share!!- Beautiful A.I. Portrayal of Heavenly Realm @13:05mm. Breathtaking!!


❤️Just Smile❤️@FunnyAnimalsNHK- Funny cat and dogs 😂😂 episode 96 #cats #cat #funny #pets #shorts


Supernatural By Design- 2025 Daniel's 70th Week - GOD's Celestial Signs

Be Sure to Share!!


Janie DuVall- Warning! April Eclipse Signals Trouble Ahead…🔥Bold Believers🔥

It'd Be Super to Share!!


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Israel ben David- Prophetic Message from Jerusalem



Off The Kirb Ministries- Proof The World is 6,000 Years Old

Please Share It!!


❤️Just Smile❤️@FunnyAnimalsNHK- Funny cat and dogs 😂😂 episode 184


💡Just Interesting 💡 @Con_Spiracy- There are only 3 of them in the ENTIRE world #rare #shorts


TBN Israel- Israel--Hezbollah TENSIONS Escalate; How Powerful is Hezbollah? | Yair Pinto

Really, Share It!!


🔥Just on Fire🔥@AleksStashko- FAMOUS ACTOR SAID WHAT ABOUT GOD⁉️🤯#shorts #gospel #jesus #christianity #christian #faith #bible


Aliyah Return Center- (Day 140) Swords of Iron- “indoctrination”

Sharing is Caring, Right???

Growing up in the Nations Capitol, Arlington, Virginia to be exact, well, we used to have a, somewhat naughty Joke concerning the Islamic/Muslim faith when we said, they've got it all wrong. They think they're getting 72 Virgins upon their Death. But, we happen to be in on the Joke; It's actually, they're each getting 72 West Virginians.
I take back only a wee bit, Sorry!!


Friday, February 23, 2024

☢️Just Crazy☢️ @Con_Spiracy,- Morbid Facts about 9/11 that they’ll NEVER teach you #morbidfacts #shorts

Share! S

Sad, but, True Facts. It is well above my Pay Grade. but, there are a lot of people that'll have to explain how 2,996+ Lives were needlessly Sacrificed. It's all about the Benjamins. Good ol' filthy Lucre!! 



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This is the New Covenant- Boy reveals Jesus in every Book of the Bible

Gotta Share!!- Just Beyond Astonishing!!


Tucker Carlson- How China and the UN are Fueling the Invasion of America

Please Share This!!

Skip it if it does not interest you in particular. End Times Stuff, huh? Yes, see all this should have been understood as AN INVASION, thus, the perplexity, right? As well, this reminded me of the Prophecy by Ken Peters whereby he saw Military Men on every Street corner. Oh, and, by the way, all of these Men were wearing either Blue Helmets or Ball Caps. Um, that Prophecy was given long before the U.N. began wearing Blue Helmets. But, sure enough, they do now!!


❤️Just Smile❤️@NHCBaby- Funny Baby 😂😂 episode 199 #shorts #baby #fails #funny #babyshorts



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Thursday, February 22, 2024

ENDTIME DREAM & VISION- Uptime Takes a Tour of the Heavenly Jerusalem! What Every Believer Needs to Be Raptured!

Kindly Share!! (Hurry? See the A.I. Generated Heavenly Jerusalem @5+mm. Breathtaking!!)


💡Just Interesting 💡@ImpHist- Crazy Historical Photos You Won't See Anywhere Else #history


Nature Discoveries- The Simpsons Predictions For 2024 Will Blow Your Mind 🤡End Times Crazies🤡



TBN Israel- BREAKING: Hamas ATTACKS Israelis In Traffic Jam; IDF Raids Khan Yunis Terror Tunnel 🚩Jesus is Coming🚩

A MUST Share!! 🚩Jesus is Coming🚩

This is BIG! I must say that, well growing up, in my House, anyway, we were taught to "Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem." There End of Days, I no longer Pray for anything other that the Return of Our King, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach!!

BlazeTV- Glenn Beck EXPOSES the Globalist Plan to Flood America with Migrants

OMGoodness-Share This!! (This'll get me Hanged, surely!) 

Please hurry Jesus and allow me to remind myself that I am in the middle on Insane Asylum, but, remember; Jesus would NOT allow His Bride to get even a Black-Eye. Remember to remember to spread the Gospel. Time is beyond Short!!


Stop Worrying- Simply Ask!!


Inside Edition- Man Allegedly Tried to Open Emergency Exit Door Mid-Flight 🤡End Times Crazies🤡

Share It/Show It!!

I've Posted this, again, to reiterate the INSANITY in the Skies. I do not comprehend it, but, there is an Article/Headline speaking about this close associated behavior whereby either there's a ruckus on the Plane, meaning someone just Melts Down or at the Airport. I have also noticed a Case of Superiority Rules as the Stewardesses/Flight Attendants as well as the Booking Agents in/at the Airport will NOT tolerate any perceived misbehavior and/or any slight they might deem an affront to their most high regard. I see it in the Medical Facilities as well, you know that Air of Superiority and don't you dare assume you even think of inconveniencing or putting their noses out of joint. How Dare You? 

In conclusion, I do suppose that it is beyond difficult once you have to look DOWN your nose at people, then to actually see them, eh? Did I happen to mention that it's my personal opinion (yes, I realize you didn't ask for my opinion) that there is a Demonic, clear and present danger associated with Flying? Go Figure?


BlazeTV- Ohio Sheriff SOUNDS ALARM on Foreign Threats Living in Rural America

It's Time to Share!!

Allow me to remind you, that WE are NOT given a spirit of Fear! Let this be but another Teaching Tool to anybody and everybody who might listen. We are surely in the 🔚End Times. Shout it from the rooftops!

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control." 2 Tim 1:7


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

LogicBeforeAuthority- "The Whore Of Babylon Is Dead" Symbolism/Preprogramming of the near future of NYC 😈End Times Behavior😈

Shouldn't You Share??? 

What's all the hub-bub Bub? So, this issue or Video was somewhat of a mystery to me, that is till I looked up the said, Whore of Babylon, Cecilia Gentili. This lady was not a Lady indeed, but a Transsexual man living as a woman, living with a man. And, his/her Wikipedia page states that as a Trans Sex Worker, he'd been Arrested multiple times for Prostitution as well as Drug Charges enough so that he'd been Sentenced to Prison where he was first Housed with the men and then with the women. It says he was Abused in both the Prisons, male and female and that he'd suffered Abuse since "Coming Out" at the age of 12.

Why, you ask, am I telling you all this? I have a dark sense of humor, maybe?  Well, quite honestly my supposition might very well entail a, once again, disbelief that in 2024, things such as a man, masquerading as a woman, a well known Atheist, Addict and Prostitute could be Buried in a Catholic Service by a Priest. (I'm not sure if her his husband, the man with whom she he lived in .Sin with, I don't know if he spoke as part of any of that Service.
I am droning on, completely flabbergasted. I do apologize!!


Eternity- The Gate That Was Sealed Until Jesus's Coming Has Just Opened Up 🚩Jesus is Coming🚩

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🌸Just Appreciate🌸 Watchjojo Animals- 3 Years After This White Killer Whale Vanished, A Scientist Made An Incredibly Rare Sighting

Share & Make Someone Smile!!


❤️Just Smile❤️@catop38- Cat Compilation Part 5



Can You Share???


Whaddo You Meme??,- He's Finally Getting it. 🚩Jesus is Coming🚩

Be Nice & Share!!

Again, please forgive the French/German spoken unwittingly during this Video. I am Posting this for a reason as #1, I am reminded of my own Journey, how far I've come, and just how far I need to progress. ♫♪ It's a long way from Tipperary ♪♫ ah, but, even farther from Perfection. 

Almost every single time I think on this subject as, yes, you betcha, I stand Convicted about my Potty Mouth, I am cornered 'round to a conversation I had with, S4C's, Pastor Sandy Armstrong. Yes, our dearest Pastor called, right on time when my middle Son, Bill was having a Quadruple Heart Bypass Surgery. 

It's not important to specify as to what we were talking about, but, I  said, on the phone, "Well, she'd kick your ass," in reference to Outside Linebacker "The Sandman's" Wife,  Aundria, a force of nature all her own!

With much trepidation, I admit that even after all these years as a Believer, I still spew Poo. I am quite ashamed of it, but, I am still a Work in Progress. Umpteen years of a bad  behavior has been hard to shake. And, as I said, I felt quite "called on the carpet" per my conversation with our Dear Pastor as he firmly stated, "Hey, we don't cuss!"

The very minute that we parted ways, some 37 hours or 2,503+ miles apart, well at least on the Wire, I then began an argument, (something I am known for, or at least in my own head) as to how "ASS" isn't really a Cuss word, I mean it's even in The Bible. Well, isn't it? Nonetheless, I argued on in my mind, "Well, it's been 65 years of Cuss words I've been surrounded by and doggonit, I can fall off the proverbial Horse now and again, right?"

Thus, here it is, more than a years past since Bill's terrible Surgery as well as that fateful conversation and I am just as Convicted now as I was then. The Seed was Planted, I am culpable and I do believe this is The Fathers' Plan; To send nothing else than a Linebacker to put me in my place. 

Pastor Sandy set an example, an enormous guiding hand along with the Chutzpah, my bucking bronco brain needs. I'm not sure where he got it or if Pastor Sandy consulted with my own Mother so he could throw that Immaculate Reception along with a lil snip of  that good ol' "Mother's Jewish Guilt?"


❤️Just Smile❤️ @CatsAndLaughs- Funny cats 😂 episode 42 #shorts



It's A Wonderful Life-To Share!!


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

💡Just Interesting 💡@Kevin_Stories- These white mouse passed her super fast! #shorts

SHARE!!- Fooled Me, lol!!


NBC New York- Woman slaps tourist across face in bizarre NYC pet store outburst | NBC New York 😈End Times Behavior😈,

Gonna Share???- (I told you that I was going to Share something/someone every single day so that you might see the End Times Crazies in action!!)


Scripture Origins- UNBELIEVABLE Why Lot's Daughters Lay Down With Their Father - The Hidden Story of Lot in the Bible

Please Share It!!  (I must say, this was always disturbing to me and I'd never thought of it as it stands. Quite informative!!) 🪔


US Immigration- It Begins… Texas Border Battle🚨Texas Vs Biden Admin: Tesla's Elon Musk Supports. Protests Erupts!!! 😈End Times Behavior😈

Important-Share It!! (SKIP if you're not interested. If nothing else, this serves the purpose of PROOF we are in the End of Days. Because, nothing makes sense anymore!!)


Monday, February 19, 2024

(Day 136) Swords of Iron- “Representing the People”

C'mon, Share This!!


🌸Just Appreciate🌸 Horses are just like big dogs


RMBC HebrewClub #227: "Advice and Proof Of God" 🔥Bold Believers🔥

Time's Short-Share It!!


💡Just Interesting 💡@OFFICIALDKBULLY- WOW 😱 🤯


JJesus Eternal Aura- Jordan River Has FINALLY Dried Up & Now THIS Has Emerged! |

Share This!!

Nelson Walters- UN is Hiding Earthshaking Evidence for the Existence of the WATCHERS

Share It!!- (Not as much Evidence as I'd have liked!)


Saturday, February 17, 2024

GOD's Motivation- Euphrates River Finally Dried! Israel's New Nightmare Revealed! 🚩Jesus is Coming🚩

Kindly Share!!


(Aliyah Return Center- (Day 134) Swords of Iron - “Prince of Persia” Aliyah Return Center

Share Today!!


❤️Just Smile❤️@NHCBaby- Funny Baby 😂😂 episode 187


SHINE BRIGHT CHURCH- What gave Joe Rogan Goose Bumps? (6 min.) By Sonny Islas

Please Share!!


TBN Israel,-My State: The TRUTH about the Al-Aqsa Mosque vs. LIES & MISCONCEPTIONS you've been told | TBN Israel

A MUST Share!!


Friday, February 16, 2024

❤️Just Smile❤️@funny.videos1991- Funny Dog Compilation 🐕🤣 ❤️ #shorts


S4C- "Holy Spirit Take Us Away" 🔥Just on Fire🔥

C'mon Now, Share It!!


❤️Just Smile❤️@CatsAndLaughs- Funny cats 😂 episode 34 #shorts


RRG- EXPOSING Pastor Kenneth Copeland - Megachurch Messiness

 C'mon Now, Share It!!

Truly, I am familiar with this particular Channel. But, for sure, I have a real issue with Copeland and his love, above God for his filthy Lucre, just for starters. I mean, the man even looks and acts Demonic and yet, heads the Churches. Par for the Course, eh??? Below, I'd happened to read a Comment on the very subject of  Pastor Kenneth Copeland. How apropos!!

It’s disheartening especially when you have those who claim to have divine wisdom without any qualifications exploit people’s vulnerabilities for their personal and financial gain. They’re not prophets, they’re “profits.”

❤️Just Smile❤️Harmony Wildlife Rehabilitation- We Love Baby Skunks

Gotta Share, Right??? 

 My Sons and I had the bright idea to acquire a full grown Skunk when someone had to get rid of it. Worst Mistake, EVER!! See, Skunks are Nocturnal and when you're trying to be, somewhat an upstanding member of Society, you do not stay up all Night entertaining  your new BF, we cutely called, Monsieur Pepe Le Pew. Suffice it to say, it was a nightmare from day #1 and I paid, dearly for our collective misnomer earning me "Great Wisdom!" Cute lil' Buggers though, huh? It's especially funny to watch them Stomp at each other, showing off their Wildlife Warrior prowess!!


TBN Israel- BREAKING: U.S., Israel FINALIZING Military Deal; Confirms STRIKE On Hezbollah Official | TBN Israel

Find Time to Share!!


☢️Just Crazy☢️ @Con_Spiracy- This is why April 15th is the DARKEST day in history

Share! My Husband Died, as well on April 15th!!


Thursday, February 15, 2024

🌸Just Appreciate🌸Cute Pets TV- When God sends you a funny dog

Share the Laughter!

I must tell you that I do realize it's rather Slim Pickens, tonight, Content wise, but, par for the Course, Satan truly hates me and I've fought with the HTML Coding for two Videos for, well, probably an hour. It was bad enough that I blew up the Computer and walked away in disgust. Well, I envisioned, in my head, the blow-up, and simply walking away in disgust.
Anywho, if you've bothered to read to this juncture, I will say this; Surprisingly, 2.1 million people have watched this Compilation. It's very Funny, yet, the music and narration, well, they're bad enough that I almost blew-up the Computer again. I must say Au revoir!


Dr Barry Awe- They're Lying to you about the Pre-Trib RAPTURE...So many Lies! Help LORD! 🔥Bold Believers🔥

Go Ahead & Share!!


😈End Times Behavior😈@NACDLvideo- Catfishing Has Led to Murder… 🚨📱 (Lecture Series)


Joyful Exile- She Mocks God on Live TV Then THIS Happens 😈End Times Behavior😈

Wishing You'd Share!!

Clips from and commentary on *Voddie Baucham, Lady Gaga, Chris Evans, Ricky Gervais, Beyonce, Tucker Carlson, Jack Black, Katy Perry, Christian Bale, Ana Kasparian, Sam Smith at the Grammy's, Whoopi Goldberg, Barack Obama, Kathy Griffin, Josh Alexander Catholic student, Israel law against Christians, and UK silent prayer law.

* I do not agree with everything Voddie Baucham says, as it is with many Preachers, right? However, I must reiterate that he does have the gift of gab, right? <--Who is Gab, by the way???


❤️Just Smile❤️@FunnyAnimalsNHK- Funny cat and dogs 😂😂 episode 214 #shorts #cat #dog #pets #funny


Hacking the Headlines- What They Secretly Told Us During the Half Time Show (2024) 😈End Times Behavior😈

Can You Share???


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

TBN Israel- BREAKING: Hamas Leader Sinwar ESCAPES via Terror Tunnel; IDF Uncovers Hamas HIDEOUT | TBN Israel

Sharing is Caring- Sinwar; What an Ugly Mug, huh???


❤️Just Smile❤️@FunnyAnimalsNHK- Funny cat and dogs 😂😂 episode 205 #dog #cat #funny #shorts #animals

Share!-Somebody needs to break the News that Maggie's NOT doing her, "Draggin' the Line" scoot along to be cute. Nope, it's actually because poor Maggie has Worms!!


ENDTIME DREAM & VISION- Will There Be a Black Swan Event April 8th? What Can Happen Based on current Data!

Can You Please Share???


Inside Edition- Teen Loses Leg After Crash Left Her Hanging From Power Line I

Do Share, K???  Kinda Graphic-Warning
...but, it shows the Power of the Great, I Am!!


Daily Atlanta airport worker calmly disarms wild woman who uses chair as weapon during violent meltdown

Share It!!-Again, excuse the German!!

I'm Posting this so you can see what I see everyday; these people and their End Time Behavior. Watch as she leaps into the air and up onto the Counter. I immediately think of Demonic Possession!!


WDTNTV- Butler Co. Sheriff addresses what he learned at conference ☢️END TIME ALERT☢️,

Dare to Share!!


,❤️Just Smile❤️@GLOBALFAMETV- I laughed so hard

Share!!- Excuse their French!!


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

❤️Just Smile❤️@Lizardous_3- This gorilla will leave you in awe ❤️


I Love Gorilla's, but have a great DISLIKE concerning ANY Animals kept in Zoo's. We have enough Video, now, whereby there's no reason, actually, there's NEVER been a good reason to Encage a Wild Animal. It's Abusive!! Just Sayin'!!

TheDC Shorts- Super Bowl Party Freakouts! 😈End Times Behavior😈

Go Ahead & Share It!!-Just to PROVE, Demonic Oppression comes in ALL Shapes & Sizes!!


Jonathan Cahn Official- The Sign of The Statue |

You Really Should Share This!! 

 I have truly grown since the days when Jonathan Cahn released his Best-Selling Book, "The Harbinger." Whilst the Content of that particular Book was  unfathomably good, I feel, since that time, Jonathan Cahn, well he joined the ranks of those who'll do anything for a dime. Meaning, he'll go on any Show, i.e., Jim Baker to hock his Books  and DVDs.  I tell you this simply because I want you to know where I stand. Furthermore, I do realize NONE OF US are Born knowing it all. I for one have had to learn EVERYTHING the Hard Way. As well, I realize that most of us are Under Construction as we speak!! 🏗️ Jonathan Cahn opens up two stunning prophetic signs of judgment, from the Turkish Parliament to Buenos Aires, Argentina, from the Abrahamic Covenant to the order of creation, from Israel to Pope Francis, the hand of God in real time and space!

@Kachi-destrography- Nature's Fury Unleashed🌊: Tornado Swirls Over the Sea😮#viral #youtubeshorts🌬

Gotta Share!! Is God Great or What???


Cash Jordan- 90,000 NYC Packages Get Stolen… Every Day


S4C- Samson The Jesus Movie

Share If You Care!!


Monday, February 12, 2024

❤️Just Smile❤️@scowfamily- Calling their dog “Orie” in! Their little voices 🥰🥰🥰


The Door- Who is the Whore in Revelation?

Please Do Share!!


❤️Just Smile❤️@StoryFixx- His reaction when he finds out he's having triplets ❤️


☢️Just Crazy☢️WGNO-TV / ABC26 / WNOL38- New Orleans mother wants answers after baby is attacked at daycare 😈End Times Behavior😈

Go Ahead & Share!!

It's beyond ridiculous. What is this World coming to when even the Children, Babies more or less are Cage Fighting?  I wasn't going to Post this, but, I wanted it seen just how crazy people and things have become. I tend to watch a lot of Police Videos in my down time. Quiet actually, just recently, I'd been convicted by the Holy Spirit, that I watch entirely too much of it. 

Because, of these Videos, I have become hyper-aware of the proverbial "Karen's" that lurk behind every scenario. And, it's mostly these Karen's that have become increasingly Crazy. Yes, they're no-holds barred out-n-out Demonic. They refuse all Orders by Police, bite, punch, kick and assuredly act a Fool. 

Most horrendously, these Offenders, they loudly repeat themselves. like the same phrase over and over. They'll say it 20 times, "You have no Rights to pull me out of MY Car," or another fav is, "You have to tell me why I'm being Arrested before you cuff me" which is beyond ridiculous. 

It's a constant, repetitive barrage of Cuss words as well as telling the Officers how they have no right to ask for their License, no right to be asked to step out of the Vehicle and, my personal Fav is when the Police smell Marijuana. Because Pot has been Legalized, people tend to think there are NO consequence when they ride around smoking Pot. See, it's the same as Driving while Drunk and is treated the same.

My Point, you ask? Well, it's basically, I surmise, trying to explain to myself, if nothing else that YES, people have lost their Minds, YES, they are, most assuredly Demonically Possessed and most of all; YES, I cannot wait to be FREE from this whole Bozo Bus and in Heaven worshipping our Lord, Jesus with like-minded people. Amen???





❤️Just Smile❤️Rumble Viral- Baby dances to Bruno Mars, shows off adorably impressive moves

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Sunday, February 11, 2024

Saint AVS,- King Charles and The Dragon: Is the ANTICHRIST dying of cancer?


Just a small reminder that many of the Videos I Post, well, I do not agree with every word. My example might be that I am NOT pleased to call The Father, "Yah" or "Yahqua." Now, if YOU want to, that's your prerogative, but, to me it is foreign. I also find it a tongue twister, per se, to call Him, our Lord God, Jehovah because of the Jehovah Witnesses. Far be from me to tell you what YOUR relationship should be and I'll leave it at that!!

❤️Just Smile❤️@answeredthatforyou- The Cutest Babies Ever ❤️

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🎬Movies🎬Vision Video- The Gospel of John | Full Movie 🚩Jesus is Coming🚩

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☢️Just Crazy☢️@208SkinDoc- Not the typical thing you’d see from somebody who has crabs 🦀 🤣 #crabs #doctorreacts


KNIGHTS OF PARADISE- Unveiling the Fiery Depths: Biblical Evidence Backs Hell's Literal Existence ,😈End Times Behavior😈

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❤️Just Smile❤️ @daily_dose_of_babiessss- Your Daily dose of Cuties


Two Witnesses Live- The ANTICHRIST might have been confirmed w/ guest Craig Bong 😈End Times Behavior😈

Please Share It & Remember to Glean, OK???


🌸Just Appreciate🌸@americandream_89- If you haven’t seen this in person you need to! Where am I? #Kentucky #viral


B&P Motivation- Here's Why THE BIBLE IS TRUE...

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Saturday, February 10, 2024

Brylan Riggs- Famous Pastor just did THIS in Congress... Christian Reaction! 😈End Times Behavior😈

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🔥Bold Believers🔥@Jesusfacts1- Is this the flag of Sodom? #jesus #jesuschrist #islam


🔥Bold Believers🔥@lifeoflaurenbrooke- Miracle Happens While Man is Hunting😱🦅 #miracle #baldeagle


❤️Just Smile❤️@NHCBaby- Funny Baby 😂😂 episode 126 #shorts #fails #baby #funny #babyshorts


The Babylon Bee- Satan Announces Early Retirement Thanks To TikTok

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Yes, I do realize that this is quite distasteful. How horrendous, yet, it brings me to my point; Even the Seculars are talking, arranging, rearranging, organizing, and, getting ready for The Big Event!!


💡Just Interesting 💡The Reef Doc- This is devastating no matter how prepared I am.

Gotta Share!!

I'd been watching this Octopus for some time now. And, I am very befuddled as to why this upsetting to me? But, it is (RIP Byrdie the Pet Octopus!)


@❤️Just Smile❤️CopHumor- Louisiana Cop Has Hilarious Encounter With Little Girl 😂 #shorts


Good Fight Ministries- GRAMMYs Showcase Women, Witchcraft, and Waywardness

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Friday, February 9, 2024

❤️Just Smile❤️ @NHCBaby- Funny Baby 😂😂 episode 156 #baby #funny #fails #shorts #babyshorts


Sling and Stone- BIBLE PROPHECY IS STARTING!! 5 End Times Signs HAPPENING NOW in 2024 🚨Prophecy Alert🚨

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Janie DuVall- King Charles Has Cancer? What They’re NOT Telling You | Craig Bong 😈End Times Behavior😈

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❤️Just Smile❤️- Cats Being Jerks Supercut

Share the Smile- Sometimes I need to Laugh out loud or I'll Cry inside, deep from my Inner Well!!



Share It!!-Tribulation! Can't wait for my Bug Burger and, my Cats will certainly love eating Worms, right???


Thursday, February 8, 2024

❤️Just Smile❤️@gabrielfeitosagrooming- Cheshire Cat Dog 🐶❤️ #shorts


TheDC Shorts- 🚨 Tucker x Putin: Interview Highlights 🚨

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Brothers & Sisters, this is History in the making!! Here's a Teaser, Snippet or the Interview Highlights from the infamous Tucker vs Putin, if it interests you at all? The Full Video is available below, in the last Post. Might I add; This will either make us or break us. It's a Dirty Job, but, somebody had to do it! Thank You Culligan Man, I mean Carlson Man!!


Tucker Carlson- Exclusive: Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin

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Yes, Tucker Carlson went to Russia to specifically Interview Vladimir Putin, a bold move if you ask me. At the same time, I have mad respect for  Tucker Carlson as I firmly believe that it takes serious Chutzpah to take on that situation. The EU, as of this after noon has stated that they will Sanction Carlson, but how is that possible? In my teeny opinion, and yes, I do comprehend that you most likely didn't really want to hear my opinion, however (<--insert self-deprecating humor here!) as far as I'm concerned, it takes exceptional and extraordinary Courage to take on Mother Russia, even if only through Carlson's impeccable locution. Lastly, dare I say, that I find  Vladimir Putin one of the most 
  • interesting, captivating and intriguing men of the 21st Century!!


Journeying With Saints- They Shot Her Because Of Her Faith In God, But Her Story Continues To Inspire Millions!



🌸Just Appreciate🌸@EricBlowsGlass- Crafting a HUGE Teardrop Vase! #glassblowing


ENDTIME DREAM & VISION- Government Warning of a 2nd Rapture Abduction to Scare & Control the Populace to Shelter in Place!

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I'd heard several years ago how the Treasury Agents were taught NOT to Study Counterfeit Bills, but, to become expert in the actual design of the Bill, the feel and texture of the Bill, what's written on the Bill etc. In other words, they're not taught to have the knowledge to spot Counterfeits by anything other than becoming an Expert in the actual Bills themselves. An article I'd found after looking for actual Treasury teachings on the matter, it caught my eye as it was exactly in the vein of my own thought processes. It said in an article called, "Counterfeit Detection (Part One)."
Federal agents don’t learn to spot counterfeit money by studying the counterfeits. They study genuine bills until they master the look of the real thing. Then when they see the bogus money they recognize it.” 
And, my thoughts on this are that we should Study our Bible looking for such articulation, such assurances with that knowledge that we have no qualms. In other words, well first, there's no possible way for ANY MAN to become or truly consider himself an "Expert" in or rather on the Bible, especially Eschatology, but, we should find ourselves more concerned with the Answers we can ONLY find in The Word as opposed to the World for it is  "Wrought with Rot." Hey, I just came up with that spark! And, we can NEVER Study enough, however, we must press on in the Name of Jesus Christ and do our very best in the Study of The Word and not the World! Yes, we MUST Study with all our Heart, Soul and Mind, Amen?


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

☢️Just Crazy☢️@Con_Spiracy- He drank an ENTIRE bottle of soy sauce, then WHAT happened?! #morbidfacts #shorts


Pastor Mark Driscoll- Demons in the Bible are transgender 😈End Times Behavior😈

Take Time to Share!! (I am not familiar w/this Pastor Driscoll, but, he is right; Demons just love the Trans Dept.!!)


Jason Blood church- 2024 Rapture- After 2 Days?

Can You Share???


Brylan Riggs- SATAN just showed himself and Christians don't see it... Reaction!

Share!- (BTW, I'm not always in agreement with ALL of a Videos Content or from whom it is Preached, but, w/Discernment, we're all able to Glean the good stuff!!)


Psalm of David Ministries- This will release the AntiChrist | It's deeper than we thought 📌Spiritual Walk📌



Janie DuVall- This Sign Reveals MAJOR WAR COMING! (2024-2026)

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Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Many Fishers- Rebellion 13. All-e-Giant Superbowl 58(13). Sin City 58(13). Hoover Hermon 666. 23 46 9/11 Damascus

C'mon & Share!!


💡Just Interesting 💡,Ep.75 The Transfiguration Mt. Herman portal theory?? #ninjasarebutterflies


❤️Just Smile❤️ @CatsAndLaughs- Funny cats 😂 episode 81 #shorts


💡Just Interesting 💡Top Discovery- 20 Greatest Archeological Discoveries Ever

Sharing, Hmm???


❤️Just Smile❤️@heymynamesluna- My Dogs Were Ready To Ride With Simba 🦁


Monday, February 5, 2024

HeliofantChannel- I PETGOAT II ,😈End Times Behavior😈

Important to Share!!

For some unknown reason, Heliofant, just 2 hours ago, reuploaded their infamous 7:27 m Video. Whilst I am not a fan of its Evil implications, I AM able to see the great Prophetic Institution thereof. I do however, find it a bit suspicious as to what, if anything they're elucidating? 

☢️Just Crazy☢️@SundayCoolTees- Ep.75 What are they hiding on Mount Herman?? #ninjasarebutterflies


Sling and Stone- The LOCATION of Satan's Throne FOUND, Most People Don't See It

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❤️Just Smile❤️@masface6- She wanted my babies and now he's here! 👶🍼❤️


#S4C Sunday Morn- Religion vs Relationship

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Satan is doing his level best to make it near impossible to do anything here. I've had nothing but Technical interference for days. And, today, I finally received a new Keyboard as that was another big issue. As well, when it comes to S4C Content, YouTube completely clipped me from their Reminders and I received nothing in my Feed. As well, they'd changed their Format, actually, I think that YouTube did it whereby their most recent content was only found by searching for it specifically, which I finally did. Yep, it's ugly out there as we wade through this cesspool we know as everyday Life! ! 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Steve Fletcher 222 (Backup)- HOW, LORD, IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE? FEBRUARY 4, 2024 🚨Big Time Rapture Alert🚨

Can YOU Share Today??? 
(I am not sure what to think about this. What is your thought???)


🎬Movies🎬Vision Video- Bible Collection: The Apocalypse (2000) | Full Movie | Richard Harris | Vittoria Belvedere

Surely, It's Pleasing to Share!!


❤️Just Smile❤️@Funny_quest13- Try not to laugh challenge 😁#shorts #funny



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❤️Just Smile❤️ @Pethumans18- Still funny 2024 pets cats and dogs short ❤️ #shorts


Saturday, February 3, 2024

ENDTIME DREAM & VISION- Veil is Beginning to Fail! Supernatural Spillover into the Natural Increasing! Rapture Warning! 🚨Prophecy Unfolding🚨

Wishing You'd Share!!


Off The Kirb Ministries- If This Ministry Didn't Film Him, I Wouldn't Believe You 😈End Times Behavior😈

Share!! Excuse the Technical Difficulty!

I know this much; You've got to have nerves of steel, I think to Street Preach! Yes, it requires a Great Faith and Grand Chutzpah!!


Saint AVS- Police Mock Christian Woman in London But Defend THIS! 😈End Times Behavior😈

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☢️Just Crazy☢️@Raw300tv- Elks weighing 700 lbs can run 40 miles per hour & can outrun horses


Christian Miracles Avenue- 21 miracles that will be unbelievable if they weren't Filmed or Recorded

Share the Miracles!! Sorry, But, We're Having Technical Difficulties Today!!