Monday, February 26, 2024

🌸Just Appreciate🌸Israel MyChannel- SECRET GATE TO THE TEMPLE NO ONE TALKS ABOUT! !!

Nice to Share!!

My Parents were the fortunate ones as they went to Israel some 2-3 times a year. And, they'd always come Home with evidence in the way of Photos. You know the old, vintage Carousel Slide Projector. I'd do just about anything to see some of those Slides today. I must say I am so impressed with the Architecture in all it's glory. 

Yes, as I was watching the Video, as I said, I was reminded of the Slides my Parents first brought Home, I think in the 70s. And, I can distinctly remember my Dad (RIP) narrating those Slides and he said that, "As you see, Israel has 'come to life, again' IN ALL IT'S GLORY some 2000 years after Christ walked the Earth. And, in this Slide, it shows just how they did it with their State-of-the-Art Irrigation Systems. Most importantly, just as the Bible Prophesied, the 'Fig Tree has Blossomed." 

I can surely appreciate that moment in time. I only wish now, today, that I might've realized just how important and eventful that Prophecy is/was and will be!


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