Thursday, February 15, 2024

Joyful Exile- She Mocks God on Live TV Then THIS Happens 😈End Times Behavior😈

Wishing You'd Share!!

Clips from and commentary on *Voddie Baucham, Lady Gaga, Chris Evans, Ricky Gervais, Beyonce, Tucker Carlson, Jack Black, Katy Perry, Christian Bale, Ana Kasparian, Sam Smith at the Grammy's, Whoopi Goldberg, Barack Obama, Kathy Griffin, Josh Alexander Catholic student, Israel law against Christians, and UK silent prayer law.

* I do not agree with everything Voddie Baucham says, as it is with many Preachers, right? However, I must reiterate that he does have the gift of gab, right? <--Who is Gab, by the way???


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