Friday, February 16, 2024

❤️Just Smile❤️Harmony Wildlife Rehabilitation- We Love Baby Skunks

Gotta Share, Right??? 

 My Sons and I had the bright idea to acquire a full grown Skunk when someone had to get rid of it. Worst Mistake, EVER!! See, Skunks are Nocturnal and when you're trying to be, somewhat an upstanding member of Society, you do not stay up all Night entertaining  your new BF, we cutely called, Monsieur Pepe Le Pew. Suffice it to say, it was a nightmare from day #1 and I paid, dearly for our collective misnomer earning me "Great Wisdom!" Cute lil' Buggers though, huh? It's especially funny to watch them Stomp at each other, showing off their Wildlife Warrior prowess!!


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