Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Whaddo You Meme??,- He's Finally Getting it. 🚩Jesus is Coming🚩

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Again, please forgive the French/German spoken unwittingly during this Video. I am Posting this for a reason as #1, I am reminded of my own Journey, how far I've come, and just how far I need to progress. ♫♪ It's a long way from Tipperary ♪♫ ah, but, even farther from Perfection. 

Almost every single time I think on this subject as, yes, you betcha, I stand Convicted about my Potty Mouth, I am cornered 'round to a conversation I had with, S4C's, Pastor Sandy Armstrong. Yes, our dearest Pastor called, right on time when my middle Son, Bill was having a Quadruple Heart Bypass Surgery. 

It's not important to specify as to what we were talking about, but, I  said, on the phone, "Well, she'd kick your ass," in reference to Outside Linebacker "The Sandman's" Wife,  Aundria, a force of nature all her own!

With much trepidation, I admit that even after all these years as a Believer, I still spew Poo. I am quite ashamed of it, but, I am still a Work in Progress. Umpteen years of a bad  behavior has been hard to shake. And, as I said, I felt quite "called on the carpet" per my conversation with our Dear Pastor as he firmly stated, "Hey, we don't cuss!"

The very minute that we parted ways, some 37 hours or 2,503+ miles apart, well at least on the Wire, I then began an argument, (something I am known for, or at least in my own head) as to how "ASS" isn't really a Cuss word, I mean it's even in The Bible. Well, isn't it? Nonetheless, I argued on in my mind, "Well, it's been 65 years of Cuss words I've been surrounded by and doggonit, I can fall off the proverbial Horse now and again, right?"

Thus, here it is, more than a years past since Bill's terrible Surgery as well as that fateful conversation and I am just as Convicted now as I was then. The Seed was Planted, I am culpable and I do believe this is The Fathers' Plan; To send nothing else than a Linebacker to put me in my place. 

Pastor Sandy set an example, an enormous guiding hand along with the Chutzpah, my bucking bronco brain needs. I'm not sure where he got it or if Pastor Sandy consulted with my own Mother so he could throw that Immaculate Reception along with a lil snip of  that good ol' "Mother's Jewish Guilt?"


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