Wednesday, February 21, 2024

LogicBeforeAuthority- "The Whore Of Babylon Is Dead" Symbolism/Preprogramming of the near future of NYC 😈End Times Behavior😈

Shouldn't You Share??? 

What's all the hub-bub Bub? So, this issue or Video was somewhat of a mystery to me, that is till I looked up the said, Whore of Babylon, Cecilia Gentili. This lady was not a Lady indeed, but a Transsexual man living as a woman, living with a man. And, his/her Wikipedia page states that as a Trans Sex Worker, he'd been Arrested multiple times for Prostitution as well as Drug Charges enough so that he'd been Sentenced to Prison where he was first Housed with the men and then with the women. It says he was Abused in both the Prisons, male and female and that he'd suffered Abuse since "Coming Out" at the age of 12.

Why, you ask, am I telling you all this? I have a dark sense of humor, maybe?  Well, quite honestly my supposition might very well entail a, once again, disbelief that in 2024, things such as a man, masquerading as a woman, a well known Atheist, Addict and Prostitute could be Buried in a Catholic Service by a Priest. (I'm not sure if her his husband, the man with whom she he lived in .Sin with, I don't know if he spoke as part of any of that Service.
I am droning on, completely flabbergasted. I do apologize!!


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