Thursday, February 22, 2024

Inside Edition- Man Allegedly Tried to Open Emergency Exit Door Mid-Flight 🤡End Times Crazies🤡

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I've Posted this, again, to reiterate the INSANITY in the Skies. I do not comprehend it, but, there is an Article/Headline speaking about this close associated behavior whereby either there's a ruckus on the Plane, meaning someone just Melts Down or at the Airport. I have also noticed a Case of Superiority Rules as the Stewardesses/Flight Attendants as well as the Booking Agents in/at the Airport will NOT tolerate any perceived misbehavior and/or any slight they might deem an affront to their most high regard. I see it in the Medical Facilities as well, you know that Air of Superiority and don't you dare assume you even think of inconveniencing or putting their noses out of joint. How Dare You? 

In conclusion, I do suppose that it is beyond difficult once you have to look DOWN your nose at people, then to actually see them, eh? Did I happen to mention that it's my personal opinion (yes, I realize you didn't ask for my opinion) that there is a Demonic, clear and present danger associated with Flying? Go Figure?


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