Monday, February 12, 2024

☢️Just Crazy☢️WGNO-TV / ABC26 / WNOL38- New Orleans mother wants answers after baby is attacked at daycare 😈End Times Behavior😈

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It's beyond ridiculous. What is this World coming to when even the Children, Babies more or less are Cage Fighting?  I wasn't going to Post this, but, I wanted it seen just how crazy people and things have become. I tend to watch a lot of Police Videos in my down time. Quiet actually, just recently, I'd been convicted by the Holy Spirit, that I watch entirely too much of it. 

Because, of these Videos, I have become hyper-aware of the proverbial "Karen's" that lurk behind every scenario. And, it's mostly these Karen's that have become increasingly Crazy. Yes, they're no-holds barred out-n-out Demonic. They refuse all Orders by Police, bite, punch, kick and assuredly act a Fool. 

Most horrendously, these Offenders, they loudly repeat themselves. like the same phrase over and over. They'll say it 20 times, "You have no Rights to pull me out of MY Car," or another fav is, "You have to tell me why I'm being Arrested before you cuff me" which is beyond ridiculous. 

It's a constant, repetitive barrage of Cuss words as well as telling the Officers how they have no right to ask for their License, no right to be asked to step out of the Vehicle and, my personal Fav is when the Police smell Marijuana. Because Pot has been Legalized, people tend to think there are NO consequence when they ride around smoking Pot. See, it's the same as Driving while Drunk and is treated the same.

My Point, you ask? Well, it's basically, I surmise, trying to explain to myself, if nothing else that YES, people have lost their Minds, YES, they are, most assuredly Demonically Possessed and most of all; YES, I cannot wait to be FREE from this whole Bozo Bus and in Heaven worshipping our Lord, Jesus with like-minded people. Amen???


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