Thursday, February 8, 2024

ENDTIME DREAM & VISION- Government Warning of a 2nd Rapture Abduction to Scare & Control the Populace to Shelter in Place!

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I'd heard several years ago how the Treasury Agents were taught NOT to Study Counterfeit Bills, but, to become expert in the actual design of the Bill, the feel and texture of the Bill, what's written on the Bill etc. In other words, they're not taught to have the knowledge to spot Counterfeits by anything other than becoming an Expert in the actual Bills themselves. An article I'd found after looking for actual Treasury teachings on the matter, it caught my eye as it was exactly in the vein of my own thought processes. It said in an article called, "Counterfeit Detection (Part One)."
Federal agents don’t learn to spot counterfeit money by studying the counterfeits. They study genuine bills until they master the look of the real thing. Then when they see the bogus money they recognize it.” 
And, my thoughts on this are that we should Study our Bible looking for such articulation, such assurances with that knowledge that we have no qualms. In other words, well first, there's no possible way for ANY MAN to become or truly consider himself an "Expert" in or rather on the Bible, especially Eschatology, but, we should find ourselves more concerned with the Answers we can ONLY find in The Word as opposed to the World for it is  "Wrought with Rot." Hey, I just came up with that spark! And, we can NEVER Study enough, however, we must press on in the Name of Jesus Christ and do our very best in the Study of The Word and not the World! Yes, we MUST Study with all our Heart, Soul and Mind, Amen?


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