Friday, March 8, 2024

glassbeadian- Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) G20 Pittsburgh 🤡End Times Crazies🤡 ⛔End Times Warning⛔

OMGoodness, Need to Share!!

The LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) was used for the first time in the USA in Pittsburgh during the time of G20 summit on September 24-25th, 2009

Imagine and envision a Device, similar and in the same vein of the LRAD being used upon people who the NWO deems in "Non Compliance!" I cannot put my finger on exactly what I believe they'll use or rather, I do not have the capability to articulate to you what I am trying to explain other that the NWO using some similar sort of Device, coupled with the nasty ingredients they've so nicely inserted into so many people across the World.

If, and IF is the key word here, so in the event that you've not caught on to what I am referencing, I am trying to ascertain the reasoning behind the Big Pharma roll out of their Inoculations. What was it's The foundation for or "modus operandi" is the posit. Why on Earth have they come up with this dangerous  implementation other than to "CONTROL THE MASSES!"

But, Mark My Words, whatever this Device is, it'll drop you like it's Hot, put you on your knees in complete and utter compliance and even may affect your Hearing!!

And, as you see, in the Footage, they need simply to apply one of these bad boys on top of their MRAPS. The Gov't gave these to each and every Sheriff/Police Municipalities, of course, given so kindly, from the US Military for your End Times Enjoyment! It's Coming!!

BTW, I may very well be the Crazy One in this Byline! Just Sayin'!!


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