Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Paul Joseph Watson- How's that cultural enrichment working out for you? 🤡End Times Crazies🤡

Good Enough to Share!!  Kids, surely it was happier, you know super-duper gay times when, similar to Cultural Enrichment, we had our First President through Affirmative Action. What joy!

In case you noticed, well, two things; Paul Joseph Watson always ends his Videos with the image of the Shoebill Stork. Now, I have NO IDEA why I love the Shoebill, but, Fellas, I do. In addition to that lil' factoid (gosh, I'm simply full of those, i.e., Cows Fart approx. 693 times an hour! Yep!)  and so I've Posted a Video, for your viewing pleasure, of a mature Shoebill Stork,! It's down below! I don't know, could it be because the Shoebill reminds me of a Muppet character?


SHOEBILL STORK ─ The Jurassic Master Hunter of The Wetlands! Shoebill vs Lungfish

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