Friday, March 29, 2024

🤡End Times Crazies🤡 Rotten Tomatoes Trailers- The Zookeeper's Wife Official Trailer 1 (2017)

You Must Share It!!  ⛔End Times Warning⛔

I watched this Movie, several days ago. And, The Holy Spirit spoke! I truly believe that it's all coming again; People, Drunk on power and control, in ecstasy over the pain they're able to inflict. It's coming, I can feel it. There's nothing new under the Sun.

"The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."  Eccl. 1:9


Yes, it will, it is about to happen again. They will call you a Nazi as they round YOU up like the Nazi's did in their day. They will rip people from their Homes, take what they want, material or human whichever suits the mood, at that moment in time. And, FEMA will give the people new Homes in their Concentration Camp/Ghetto gigs. 


Yes Sir, Bob, you get in THEIR way and you Pay, big time. Because, for the first time in their miserable lives, these ugly ugly people, miscreants will have their way and their say in the World. Yep, the Ugly People will excitedly, run the Show. They'll look forward to every single damned day and when they wake dementedly, sinister grin affixed, they'll so look forward to ruining lives. 

And self-will run riot will be imposed upon a stiff-necked peoples along with those that had a strong delusion. But, you can bet your bum, their eyes, especially, here in America, theirs will be opened as they're man-handled, stripped of their wealth, homes, clothing, even that which is upon their backs, just as they did the Jews! Your Dignity no longer belongs to you, right along with your food and anything else their detestable eye beholds and takes a fancy to. "Do what thou wilt," is their mantra, best associated with by Aleister Crowley, the Satanist!

I cannot tell you how I know all this except to say that I believe it to be from The Holy Spirit. WE/US, YOURS & MINE, we are NOT given a spirit of Fear as we WILL escape all that is coming. Nonetheless, it is more than disconcerting to know that this is most certainly coming. Arm yourself, Spiritually and drop Seeds everywhere possible. I am not saying to go out and Evangelize unless you have that Gift, but, I will posit to say to leave a YouTube/ Facebook, etc., positive Comment as time is short. In other words, be more mindful than you ever were to drop that Seed wherever, whenever possible. Amen!!


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