Saturday, March 23, 2024

Why did Satan quote Psalm 91 to Jesus? 😈Satanic Display😈

Worthy of Sharing!! (Dr. Michael S. Heiser, RIP)

I don't know why I am fascinated by this, but, I will share one of the greatest Mysteries that I know of. So, Jesus is in the Desert, Praying for 40 Days/Nights when Satan comes a callin'! What a pain in the tuchus, this guy, huh? I know this much; I will be beyond grateful when we are OUT of his clutches as he had made my life miserable. 
Anywho, in Matt 4: 5 Jesus had to have been on the verge of collapse to have Fasted all that time, alone in the Desert? And, along comes Satan, trying to mess with Jesus when he's vulnerable. The most engrossing aspect of this juxtaposition is that Satan had the power to take OUR LORD to the Pinnacle of The Temple! Just wrap your mind around that as well as the Fact that that Temple Pinnacle was some 420ft. in the *Air, Satan's Backyard. 

He then, transports Jesus, in  Luke 4:5, to top of the highest Mountain. That dastardly Devil then tells the Lord God, "Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time." STOP! Think on that! Who is this Beast that he can pick-up our Jesus and jostle him onto a Mountain?   "Them's Fightin' words," except, Jesus is gonna let him live to tell... for now. Yes, Appointed Times and Feasts are, I suppose more important than we give credit to/for. But, get my point? How is it that Satan could do the things he's done? Nope, I do not like that piece of work, not one iota!

😈Satanic Display😈

*In the News, EVERY SINGLE DAY . literally there's a Story, Reporting/Broadcasting about someone losing their mind in/on an Airplane. I'd mentioned all this in a previous Post, but, I am completely mesmerized by these people, on Plane's going Crazy, Fighting, etc. And, 9 times outta 10, it makes no sense. Yes, Satan is literally the Prince of the Air for a reason!!

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