Thursday, March 28, 2024

☢️Just Crazy☢️ SHOCKING VIDEO: Chicago Uber Driver's Near Death Experience Revealed | TSR Investigates

Go Ahead & Share It!!  Explicate Language Warning!!

I an not as shocked as I should be when people, such as these go on dropping the "F Bomb," per se. However, often times I want you to see the realistic side of life. Thus, I Post these scenarios hoping YOU'LL see, that, quite literally, we are surrounded by Nephilim Beings, They're everywhere and intent on Killing you, or at the very least, ruining your day in the best way possible!!
And, I must mention my disdain along with complete disgust when I heard, in the tail of that report about our brave buddy,  John Williams, the Uber driver. For real, it sickens me when I hear anybody's ploy for that filthy Lucre, truly. But, beg indeed is what they do whether it'd be on a YouTube Ministry Channel, they're never missing a beat on that Tithing drum. Yes, they assure you of the promise the Lord will instill, you know the "Prosperity Gospel," if only you'll give to their Church.
But, we're not talking about the Church, as they're disgusting on their own level. No, we're addressing the likes of the "GoFundMe" monsters prowling the pages and Channels we see every day. And, poor, John Williams, that Uber driver, well folks, as they said, we need to give so we might help "as he navigates this Trauma." Yep, I so wish I could tell Mr. Williams to get over himself and get a life. Oh, and get a jobby Job while you're at it, you know something other than begging!!

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