Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Sunday Cool- Update On The Red Heifer Sacrifice In Israel | Ninjas Are Butterflies 📌BIBLE PROPHECY📌

Hey Guys; Share It!!  😈End Times Behavior😈

I find it extremely interesting that young people, such as these guys are searching out the Truth and finding it! I mean, these guys are not Secular, but, it's truly fascinating to behold a group coming to Fruition in the Lord! And, the truth of the matter, today unfortunately, young People are stuck on Stupid, so stuck in and on themselves, they can't see the Forest through the Trees, (in my day they'd say, "through their hair!") Don't ask me how and why I gravitate to SundayCoolTees stuff, (as I am now an Old Lady or so I'm told), but, somehow I do. Good times, Kids, good times are a coming!!
 👀End Times Destruction👀

BTW, remember that the Oct 7th Massacre was so called "Operation Al Aqsa Flood" by Hamas  any excuse to Set-It-Off    so named because of their, Hamas' firm belief that Israel will Sacrifice the Red Heifers, possibly ushering in the Messiah (shhh, I mean Antichrist!) and this will cause them, the Jews to take over the Temple Mount Grounds, the 3rd Holiest site to Muslims. Thus, they ushered in an Intifada and, make no qualms about it as there's no shame in their game, planning their next attack. And, you can thank YOUR Tax Dollars for all of this as we carry Israel and they'd carried, mistakenly the Gaza Strip, Palestinians and ultimately Hamas. Yes, it's all TRUE!!


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