Friday, March 8, 2024

GBNews- Are we facing a new disease? - New pathology found in dead bodies around the world 🤡End Times Crazies🤡

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I'd purchased the idea, concerning this issue, some 2+ years ago whereby it was mentioned in a few Underground News types. Point being; While they DID mention Big Pharma, they did NOT get to the true, the nitty gritty reason these fibrous bands were being found in the Arterial, Venal Systems, respectively? Hilarity ensues here, because they may feel reasonably fearful to mention the true Pathology and that is, that as of 2021, 2022, 2023, when they rolled out and doled out the Shot Inoculations, causing people to lose their Jobs if they didn't take it. 

Then, fast-forward to recent days, and they tell the Stories over and over of young people dropping Dead from Heart Attacks, again, respectively speaking. And the finality of each and every Storyline here is that the Inoculations with their exhibiting manner of mRNA , along with the most  of ingredient applications; Graphene Oxide. 

If you're privy to this hearty, robust and invasive additive, you'll conclude exactly where I'm going with this; That these were all caused by what  the up and coming NWO's  solicitation to place a Tracking Device, of sorts in each and every person they could bully into to taking the damn thing! I will not be here when they roll out this application upon the masses, but, suffice it to say that my premise that they have every intention of using some sort of LRAD Systems upon the people, well it falls on deaf ears. At the end of our Story, we find ourselves reasonably able to say, even out loud; The Inoculation Systems they're bidding for will be ugly, at the very least and only a portion of the problem assigned to the Great Tribulation, Left Behinds populace. 

I Pray that they're all able to be that Witness, in The Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, even then, to the very bitter end!!

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