Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Fervent FOR JESUS with Theo- This is PROOF Taylor Swift sold her soul??! {shocking details} | paul washer

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I'm not a fan of any of these Celebs, and, truly, I don't get why they're so popular? What I have figured out though, is a vast majority of these Stars, per se are truly ugly people. If not outside, they are very ugly on the inside as it permeates from their persona. I especially noticed, as of late, a conglomeration of ugly and quite literally Stupid people who're Ruling this World. And, in fact, I'd not believe they could EVER achieve their Fame or, in the case of all the Politically known or relative to the "Rulers" of this World. I can only deduce that they got where they are, today, absolutely through Witchcraft. How else is it possible, I ask you as I literally CRINGE inside as I fight off bouts of hysterical laughter???


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