Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Rob Skiba- Rob Skiba identifies the Antichrist from Scripture and a potential Omega Plan

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This Video is from 7 years ago, but, I do believe the Holy Spirit guided me to watch it. Now, I've been known to pivot upon the Conspiratorial fence and, well, quite actually, I may have made a big-fat dent in it? As it were, I am/was and remain of the belief that when they made their way into the Bunkers, Museums and Shafts of the Iraqi Property Rooms, when they found Nimrod, it was Leaked that they found him in Stasis. Now, I've seen pictures and video, supposedly (quality no longer assured!) of  Nimrod in Stasis (you should still be able to Google them) and, quite honestly, I am still not certain to this day as to its validity. 

But, I know this much; If they were able to find Nimrod in Stasis, I guarantee you, you betcha they've already extracted the DNA from them. And, again, if there's any authenticity to be had here, well, it'd not be much of a stretch to come to the conclusion that Nimrod in Stasis has been brought to being and exists in some D.U.M.B. somewhere? 

Don't worry though, because the next Conspiracy, racing down the Pike is the belief that they've Cloned the bones of all these Giants. The god ol' Vatican and Smithsonian, well kids, they've been hoarding them all these years and they too have a year-round Residence at some D.U.M.B. (Dammit, it probably has a Pool!) It's very real, this possibility and, I've seen Footage of Cheyanne Mountain as well as some concerning the netherlands of the Denver Airport, just as two examples concerning the possible location of these wonderful Giants, we've born-n-bred towards the intent purpose of Super Soldiers invoked at Armageddon, hmm?


Nimrod or Gilgamesh

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