Saturday, December 16, 2023

Redacted- She's EXPOSING the child trafficking happening RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES | Redacted with Clayton Morris

A Must Share!!

This is NOT my norm for this Channel. However, it is beyond EVIL what is happening to these Children. Whilst most go about their business, you know living la vida loca, it is beyond reprehensible what we turn away from. What I mean is this; I do realize that it is only human for us to look the other way when something is ugly or painful. 

Having stated the obvious,  in turn, I do comprehend that there's not much we can do to help these Children short of giving to Organizations which concentrate on Rescuing these little ones. But, my goodness, if nothing else, PRAY like you've never Prayed before that as these Babies to Teens are Abused in every way known to man, Pray that they're given the resilience, wherewithal and stamina to shake it off as Jesus, Himself holds their lil' hand throughout. PRAY!!

Since the start of the Southern Border Crisis or Conspiracy if you please the Gov't has LOST some 85,000 Children. POOF, they've disappeared into the ether. It is disgusting to note that we ALL KNOW it's going on, this Sexual depravity and yet, more of a stink has not been made! If you haven't yet seen "Sound of Freedom" with Jim Caviezel, I recommend it asap!!


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