Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Jaiden Forrest- When Ben Shapiro Got HUMBLED About Jesus

Good Stuff-Please Share It!!

I have to say, I just love and respect, Ben Shapiro, yet, as he was first speaking, stating his Doctrine or Tenants concerning HIS Judaism, I found myself whispering, "What a smug S.O.B.!! But, there is Testimony of those who saw Jesus, attestation was given concerning Jesus' Resurrection as well as His Ascension. Lives, were taken, most times in a very heinous way because of the firm Belief that Jesus Christ had Risen from the Tomb.  In addition to the Resurrection of  our Savior,  there is also written documentation, speaking of the 2000 Saints Resurrected. I have yet to completely comprehend whether or not these "Saints" walked into the "Holy City" of Jerusalem or if it's referring to THE Holy City of Zion, in Heaven? What do YOU Believe???


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