Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Off The Kirb Ministries- If This Church Didn't Film It, I Wouldn't Believe You

Share the Wealth!!

I've actually given great thought concerning our Phones as it's one of the best Tools Satan possesses. Whilst you should be looking UP to the Heavens, you're constantly looking DOWN at your Phone. It's such a shame too, as I see, especially the Gen Z, well, they cannot hardly function unless they have their Phones. It's as if they can't breathe unless it's next to them. I mean, I watch a lot of Justice Videos, i.e., BodyCam, Court, generally Police Videos. And, I see it over and over again, these people are in so much trouble, they've been Handcuffed and escorted to the Police Cruiser and what's the first thing they have to say? It's almost always, "Can you get my Phone? Can you give me my Phone? I need my Phone," over and over again ad nauseum. Redundancy in their exclamations is the biggest thing they have in common...besides Stupidity! Ah, the great, "Phone Separation Anxiety." And, I just made that terminology up, how 'bout that? Yes, Phones and Drugs, they are Satan's Greatest Weapons!!


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