Saturday, December 30, 2023

⚡The More You Know ⚡Benny Johnson- Rand Paul RIPS OPEN Classified Docs Proving COVID Coverup By Fauci, CIA | 'This Is The Smoking Gun'

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I personally saw the Footage, from back in 2017 where Fauci was at Georgetown University giving the Lecture, mentioned in the Video. In that Lecture he states that, "this Administration," speaking of the Trump Admin, they will experience a Surprise  Pandemic. Now, mind you, he's telling these Medical Students, cockily I might add, all about the outbreak that happened or began in 2020 (The Jewish Year of Correction/Judgement!). Either his new name is Cleo and he should start his own Psychic Hotline or something's terribly wrong! And of course, Anthony Fauci has Qualified Immunity, in FACT, he may be driving the Bozo Bus? Yes, he'll not pay the Piper, this much is true, at least here and now,  on Earth, but, soon and very soon, our Lord & Savior will squash Fauci and the rest of them like the Roaches that they are!!

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