Friday, December 22, 2023

TheDC Shorts- California Father Hasn't Seen His Son In Four Years After Wife 'Transitioned' Him

Needs Sharing Badly!!

It's quite unfortunate that this Father must endure this, but, this is the spectacle our lives have become. (Pray for this Fella!) Generally, I don't Post, or rather, normally this is not in my purview. However, I want my Brothers & Sisters to see, first hand just exactly what is going on. And, what exactly is going on? Well, the State of California is an Authority all of their own design. Yes, Cali passed Legislation enabling Parents to lose Custody of their Children if they DO NOT ABIDE by the School Boards recommendation concerning their Childs "Gender Affirming Care." As well, if a Child from another State were to Run Away and come to Cali, the State will gladly take Custody of the Minor and make sure that Child gets their Gender Affirming Care. In other words, just in case you're a lil dense; They'll lop off, chop down, nip-n-tuck whatever it takes to change YOUR CHILDS Sex. Surely, we are in the Last Days, the Terminal Generation!!


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