Wednesday, December 6, 2023

A Day In History- The Yom Kippur War: Where Men Became Beasts

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I've been known to say, "Its all relevant" and I do also believe in the Eccl.1:9 where it, matter of factly states, "there is nothing new under the Sun!" My point, in summary is that The Father's Hand is well developed within all of these moments and clashes in Time. It was, most assuredly, our God that ran those Jokers in circles in 1973, during the  Yom Kippur War as well as in the 1967 War in Israel. I mean, I have heard Story after Story about the Miracles that were so boldly and impressively drawn to conclusion. Our Lord, Jesus Christ will soon, very soon show these idgits just how truly idiotic they are. I can't wait!!


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