Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Ken Peters - I Saw The Tribulation (Cleaned Up Audio & Video)

Pastor Ken Peters has gone on to be with the Lord and will be meeting us as we get off Rapture Airlines Flight 888! Tell you what, Ken Peters gave this particular Testimony at Prophesy Watchers, back in the 80s and his Dream was long before this as well as he wasn't even a Believer when he had this Vision/Dream. But, if you have this at heart as you watch the Video, your mind with be blown away because he gets the Great Tribulation down pat. Thus far, I have yet to have heard/seen a more compelling Testimony/Vision/Dream. Sincerely, if you've not see this, prepare to be rocked!!


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Sling & Stone- This "PROPHET" Acts EXACTLY Like The Antichrist | Yuval Noah Harari

Does this guy not even see what a Contradiction he is? I mean, he mentions, "to upgrade Human into God." This'll stand to prove how truly STUPID these people are because he then goes on to speak about the Bible, the Book of Genesis and God, our God, The One True God and how He created Animals, etc. He's a walking Contradiction masquerading as this brilliant genius! For some, there is that long good-bye. But, for this piece of work, well POOF, he's going to go up in smoke like a lil' tinderbox! By the way, you were just given the first installment of the Truth from this Joker. I've been saying for some time that they'll use the 'Rona Inoculation to strategically place Graphene Oxide within your system along with a myriad of Chemical Properties whereby when they decide to turn up the 5-6G on a person, they'll be able to drop 'em like it's hot. They're installing Fluorescent Lights across the World because when you've had this "installment" you'll glow under their Lights and for Security purposes, they'll be able to tell who's who, if they should be on the Streets or not as well as a complex list of things to come!


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

God A Minute?- Exclusive Rapture Squats Lessons By D.J Melvin 😀

 So, I've been working out for a bit now (Semi-Pro) and I actually think we're getting somewhere. No more stops at D.Q. and we'll be fit for Rapture. (Expert Tip; Hold that Sway/Squat for a second longer and the Squats, well, I personally feel the burn afterwards.) Just exhilarating. Stupendous!!

Thursday, December 1, 2022

RockIslandBooks- The Rapture According to Jesus (Whiteboard Animation)


S4C- "2020 Not A Warning, A Demonstration" Sunday 11/27/22


Glenn Beck- Was Glenn’s dream actually a VISION for our future?

 I may have watched Glenn Beck, possibly once a week? I do know he's skirted around the edge of  or held a balanced  identity  as far as a Politico persona he portrays. But, well, this kind of took me by surprise. Now, I believe I know who the uniformed men were behind him in his Dream as it's been given up via Ken Peters (RIP) and his profound Dream. He saw "Blue Helmets" in his Vision which is what NATO wears. And, I have yet to see or hear of a Dream/Vision so clear and decisive as Ken's whereby he speaks of things, in the 80s that have yet to have been invented. You be the judge!!

Sunday, November 6, 2022

S4C- "A World In Trouble" Sunday 10/30/22


Sling and Stone- THIS is About to Happen on Mount Sinai on Nov 13 | NEW TEN COMMANDMENTS!!! Pope Prophecy 2022

If, perchance you are not privy to this upcoming sacrilegious Event, in my opinion this is a huge Rapture clue. What will happen when they assume to go upon such a Holy Mountain? I have a feeling that the major players here will, in a covered TV Event show you your first sanctioned UAP/UFO. We shall see BUT, hopefully NOT, as I pray we're Raptured/Taken/Paralambánō! Find us worthy, Yeshua Ha'Mashiarch!


Monday, October 3, 2022

Purim, Haman and the Nazis - An Incredible Link | Jewish Wisdom | J-TV

It is beyond intriguing, this Story told in Esther first, and carried over with "Jots and Tittles" in the Hebrew descriptive concerning the Prophesy, that of the words of Queen Esther.

It is my understanding that Goering was well liked by his Captors, two Armed Guards who he kidded with and cajoled. But, it is also true that the Authorities have found no other way for Goering to have received the glass ampules, in capsule form of  Cyanide except via his Guards. It was considered impossible for such to have occurred as each Guard was vetted to the max Regardless, our Merciful Master had pronounced His Word and it was and will be followed through, to the letter!

Thursday, September 15, 2022

S4C- "Mystery Of The Rapture Made Known " 9/7/22 Midweek Study


Behold Israel with Amir Tsarfati- Breaking News: Global unrest in an unprecedented scale is expected

 If you are not familiar with Amir Tsarfati, I can tell you that not so long ago, Amir was in the IDF, possibly an Intelligence Officer. I say this because I have been watching Amir's Channel for many years and he's always got updated Intel concerning the pulse of Israel. Although Amir Tsarfati Travels extensively, across the World, he resides in Israel!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Dr. Barry Awe- RAPTURE at Trumpets or Atonement? Maybe...NOT😲

It occurred to me that the great Revelation 12 Sign occurred exactly 5 years ago and will be ending here in a hot minute. As well, the #5 represents Grace and, allow me to remind all that the very instance, in the twinkling of HIS eye when the Church is Raptured, Grace will no longer reside upon the Earth. Please Lord, find us worthy?


Sunday, August 28, 2022

hangman1128- Biblical Tree Remains; Did God Have Angels Cut Down The Giant Trees Before The Flood?

We must all be leery of what we ingest when it comes to outside influences. Meaning, firstly, anything outside of the Books of  the Bible must be met with a healthy case of skepticism. However, Books such as that of  "Enoch" are not considered the canonical  Gospels of the Old & New Testaments. And, I firmly believe that the KJV Bible is, in fact ordained and has, in my opinion been proven in ways too numerous to mention. But, I find it fascinating how much there is to learn concerning a cross-reference of such Books, i.e., Enoch, Giants, Jubilees as it rounds out so so much. And, it is THIS HUNGER that we MUST ascribe to or rather...a desire to stay Hungry. Having said this, I submit this for your perusal!

Biblical Tree Remains, A Closer Look, Tree Fibers... Biblical Tree Remains, Who Cut Down The Trees...

Saturday, August 20, 2022

The11:11Sign- A Dream of September 2022

 I Post this, only for your Discernment and perusal! My Comment to this Fella is as follows;

I pick #11. It means and I copied and pasted it as it is the best analysis;

*The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 11 The meaning of the number eleven is important in that it can symbolize disorder, chaos and judgment. In the Bible, 11 is used twenty-four times and "11th" can be found 19 times. Coming after 10 (which represents law and responsibility), eleven (11) represents the opposite, which is the irresponsibility of breaking the Law, which brings disorder and judgment. In Genesis 11, men rebelled against God and built the tower of Babel. He judged them by confusing their language, resulting in chaos. Jehoiakim, one of the last kings over Judah, ruled for eleven years (609 to 598 B.C.). His successor, King Jehoiachin, rules for only three months before the Babylonians take control of Jerusalem... Copied From; Yes, I know there was no #11 but, it is a statement in and of itself.
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Sunday, August 14, 2022

ETP- Demons & Fallen Angels | Spiritual Warfare Explained

 I ask you; Please Pray for Discernment in ALL things for it IS Flesh & Blood that we wrestle with, a pure, unadulterated baffling of everything that is Good & Holy. Having said this, in my own experience, I have had to learn and relearn so so much throughout these years. And, we cannot just run blindly into it all, that of the subject of Eschatology, throwing it against the Wall in order to see what sticks. No, it comes down to having the attitude that if it's NOT in the Bible and I haven't read it, testing the spirit myself, then I WILL NOT believe it any longer, period. Having said all this, it is to say that the fact remains that I do not believe or rather, I am not on the same page as the Associations of ETP, Sharon & Derek Gilbert, Tom Horn, Timothy Alberino, Steve Quayle, etc. But, the collective is a Library like none other and Derek Gilbert as well as his wife, Sharon, they are, well, he's surely above my own paygrade, he is simply brilliant. So, there is much to glean, siphon, decipher and Discern!

"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."  2 Timothy 2:15

RMBC HEBREWCLUB #158: Pt2 "11 Going Down"


Friday, August 5, 2022

End Times Productions- People Think MrBeast is The Antichrist? LOL

 I have no idea who Mr. Beast is?

People cannot fathom the EVIL will which promulgate the everyday lives of those Left Behind from the Rapture of The Church. I personally believe will the Kick-Off will happen in the Jewish Year 5782, which is right now and about to change to 5783 in Sept.! (Please, Prove Me Wrong!) And, the 9th of Av is any day now and all Hell will soon break through! If you are not aware of all the things that have happened on the 9th of Av, I implore you to do your Research. It's astonishing! Selah! Unless your eyes are open to this Evil, you are not aware of the Nephilim which roam around our World, creating havoc, Raping, Killing, Rioting, etc., right now! Do you think it is normal for people to just push someone onto the NYC Subway Train Tracks or walk up and slash someone, walk by and shoot another with no rhyme or reason? I read the News every single day and especially in NYC, this, along with a conglomerate of Criminals that just run into a Jewelry Store, smash-n-grab with no remorse, it is happening daily! And, the DA's are under the impression that a Catch-n-Release Program is conducive to fairness. In my view, having no repercussions for Criminal Behavior is simply giving those Offenders a License to Kill! My Lord, they've had to lock up the likes of Laundry detergent, even having to put, under lock-n-key canned Spam. No, we are NOT in Tribulation yet but, we sure do feel the birth pains. I mean, if you've not noticed the Luciferian TV content or that even the Grammy's are hosting Satanic Rituals on Stage, then you're either Blind, Stoned or Stupid. People, if you are a true Bible Believer, ask that The Holy Spirit opens your eyes and ears to the Truth. Ask that the Blood of The Lamb might cover YOUR Family and place a Hedge of Protection around your Family and Home because it is getting extremely Dark out there. Ultimately, Pray that you are counted Worthy, as do I. In Jesus' Name, I ask and Pray? Amen
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Saturday, July 23, 2022

Grace For Purpose- Jezebel Was Much WORSE Than You Think!

I am NOT familiar with this Channel but this was in my Feed and I think it very appropriate, a commentary for todays World. The "Jezebel Spirit" reigns supreme in this sorry World with all their Satanic/Luciferian Media tactics, even having Satanic Masses at such Events as the Grammy's and so on. Look at how they are dressed; Just like a Jezebel! The Fallen Angels taught man all about Metallurgy, Chemistry, Alchemy, and, much, much more. Cosmetology, with the Art of Seduction is evident in all the Egyptian Hieroglyphics, along with more evidence of Chimeras, that of the likes of Centaur's, half fox/half man, etc. The Fallen tampered with the DNA, hoping that they could ruin the Line and Blood of Jesus Christ. In todays World, all these things are still very self-evident. Soon, during the Tribulation, it will be seen how the Military has made "Super Soldiers" in their efforts to fight off Jesus as we ride behind our King! I personally believe that the main reason that they've collected the Bones of Giants is two-fold; to undermine the Biblical truth of their existence as well as to extract their DNA. Supposedly, they found the Crypt of "Nimrod" in stasis, (there are pictures found online) and you can only imagine if they have extracted DNA from these? The Jezebel Spirit most assuredly creeps in on many a man. If you do not believe me, think of this; More Wars have been falsely fought in the Name of God than at any other time as well as for the supposed Women they are charged to protect. But, we are NOT given a spirit of Fear. Thank you, Jesus!!

Sunday, July 17, 2022

The Door- This Story Will Change Your Life!

What a truly loving, pure and simple story, told by Michael Pearl of The Door. This is a wonderful way of Teaching, that of our first love, Jesus. Just as he stated, "It's just like falling in love," falling in love with Jesus!

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

S4C- Sunday 7/10/22 "Good News, We Win"

Saturday, July 9, 2022

S4C- Midweek Bible Study July 6th 2022

What a wonderful Sermon. Truly, I wish that my own Mother and Sister would hear this and try to Forgive ME, as I'm trying to Forgive THEM!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

S4C- Soldiers For Christ 7/3/22

I looked and looked and finally found this S4C from July 3rd on Rumble. I learn so much from Pastor Sandy and I've found when I haven't seen a Video in a while, well, I miss his "In Your Face, Tell It Like It Is" straight-forward Preaching, Amen!!

Friday, July 1, 2022

What He Saw in Heaven Will Leave You in Tears | Randy Kay

Quite honestly I am not familiar with these people except to say that I recognize Janie DuVall, remembering this story from years ago. There's not a doubt in my mind that this is authentic as the Spirit speaks that it is. I do not in any way, shape or form endorse these people except to say that it's probably been 10 years since I'd seen or heard this testimony and yet I know that it's all true. And, not long ago, I had a Dream whereby my Granddaddy Bill was talking to me and it's sad to say; since his death, many many years ago, I've only Dreamt of him two times. In my Dream, all that I remember is him saying to me, "...and look you too will have a House on the Hill." If you've ever seen a picture or film of that which is called "Fish-Eye Lens" well, that's the best way to describe what I saw. Yes, I look out of the door as Grandpa instructed, looking up and up of this Hill that stretched on and on in the frame of the Door. I could not see the top from my vantage but I saw all these colorful Homes and knew these were in Heaven and one of them had been built for me! 
"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." John 14:2-3

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Beautiful Blessings- He gave him $20 by accident and this happened...

 I'm afraid I am not privy to knowing this Fella, but, if we take the Story, alone, as it is, IT IS POWERFUL!

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

 Hebrews 13:2

Saturday, June 11, 2022

"A Pentecost Rapture Story" Sunday 5/29/22 Soldiers For Christ

 I found this on Rumble, thus, it is presented out of order...

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Sabine Vlaming- Queen Ignites Windsor Castle Jubilee Beacon

Via Sabine Vlaming as she posted, "Their intended goal is hidden in plain sight: to insert a third DNA strand, corrupting the image of God in our genome. Blessed day everyone!" Do you notice how the whole shebang looks a whole lot like our 23 Chromosones?


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

June 4th - A 33-Year Anniversary And An Interesting Marker In Time! Are You Prepared?

Oddly enough, the Massacre at Tiananmen Square is considered a Mystery for numerous reasons. Reports, umpteen years later differ with many saying that the "Tank Man" was run over or they believe that the Tanks simply rolled into the Square. It is reported, via Wikipedia that Tank Man was pulled away from the Police? Many believe that it never happened listing the incident as just another Mandella Effect situation. I have a vivid memory of seeing it on TV, replayed on the Nightly News, showing the man standing in front of the Tanks but, I cannot even remember if he was hit or not? Regardless, let's pray that Pentecost, June 4th-6th or before, is the day of our Harpazo or Blessed Hope!!


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Ben Shapiro Obliterates Every Pro-Abortion Argument (Send This To Your Pro-Choice Friends)

We cannot definitively give credence or absolutely say when life actually begins, meaning; Does it begin at Conception or when our instruments are able to decipher it? One thing I have learned, in my 63 years is that although I think of myself as an intelligent being, I don't know squat nor do these Scientists and Doctors. But, the greatest Sin was for the Medical professionals to lie to the masses and ACT as if they know and have ALL the answers when, in fact they don't. And, Abortions continue mostly because women have been told that the Molecular Cell conglomeration, growing In Utero, it is nothing more than a blob of snot. Life is fleeting but Hell is Coming for these Liars!


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

God's Roadmap to the End- Peace, Peace when there is no Peace - then Sudden Destruction and World War 3...





Personally, I do believe there will be MANY RAPTURED who have no idea what happened when it does. As well, I believe that there's a good chance that L. A. Marzulli just might look around and exclaim, "Where are we, what just happened." My point being that or rather the reason I am mentioning this defacto is merely because in my life, to boost or strengthen my own Faith, I have researched any and all things Biblical, especially Eschatologically.Of course, it is astonishing, to me at least, just how many people, Believers who never speak about our Blessed Hope/Harpazo! So, it has been an all, no holds barred opproach whereby I want to PROVE all things Biblical. And, take it from me; there is proof positive that Sodom & Gomorrah, Mount Sinai (the top of the Mountain is Black/Burnt) and the resting place of The Ark at Mount Ararat, a few examples, that they are real!! So too, the Story of the Nephilim who were there before the Flood and also after, well, there's a reason behind EVERYTHING ADONAI has written to us, from the jump in Genesis to the exploding Revelation. The entirety of the Bible and all its Stories are speaking to us, this Terminal Generation and every Story is cock fullof significant typologies. Pray for Discernment so that you too can boost your Faith in unusual places!!


In this Stew Peters Network exclusive, Director Stew Peters, award winning filmmaker Nicholas Stumphauzer and Executive Producer Lauren Witzke bring to light a truth Satan himself has fought to suppress.They interveiw Dr. Bryan Ardis conerning what's really going on with the fight in regards to the Plandemic! Visit to learn how to protect you and your loved ones during this biological war.

Monday, May 2, 2022



A - ADMIT YOU ARE A SINNER IN NEED OF A SAVIOUR - As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not oneROMANS 3:10 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of GodROMANS 3:23 - For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our LordROMANS 6:23 BBELIEVE THAT CHRIST DIED FOR YOUR SINS - Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures1 CORINTHIANS 15:1-4 (The Gospel of Salvation) - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting lifeJOHN 3:16 - Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto lifeJOHN 5:24 CCALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD AND BE SAVED - That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvationROMANS 10:9-10 - For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be savedROMANS 10:13 HOW SIN ENTERED THE WORLD? Genesis 2 & 3! BELIEVE & BE SAVED … Jesus loves you ♥️