Monday, October 3, 2022

Purim, Haman and the Nazis - An Incredible Link | Jewish Wisdom | J-TV

It is beyond intriguing, this Story told in Esther first, and carried over with "Jots and Tittles" in the Hebrew descriptive concerning the Prophesy, that of the words of Queen Esther.

It is my understanding that Goering was well liked by his Captors, two Armed Guards who he kidded with and cajoled. But, it is also true that the Authorities have found no other way for Goering to have received the glass ampules, in capsule form of  Cyanide except via his Guards. It was considered impossible for such to have occurred as each Guard was vetted to the max Regardless, our Merciful Master had pronounced His Word and it was and will be followed through, to the letter!

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