Tuesday, May 17, 2022

June 4th - A 33-Year Anniversary And An Interesting Marker In Time! Are You Prepared?

Oddly enough, the Massacre at Tiananmen Square is considered a Mystery for numerous reasons. Reports, umpteen years later differ with many saying that the "Tank Man" was run over or they believe that the Tanks simply rolled into the Square. It is reported, via Wikipedia that Tank Man was pulled away from the Police? Many believe that it never happened listing the incident as just another Mandella Effect situation. I have a vivid memory of seeing it on TV, replayed on the Nightly News, showing the man standing in front of the Tanks but, I cannot even remember if he was hit or not? Regardless, let's pray that Pentecost, June 4th-6th or before, is the day of our Harpazo or Blessed Hope!!


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