Sunday, August 28, 2022

hangman1128- Biblical Tree Remains; Did God Have Angels Cut Down The Giant Trees Before The Flood?

We must all be leery of what we ingest when it comes to outside influences. Meaning, firstly, anything outside of the Books of  the Bible must be met with a healthy case of skepticism. However, Books such as that of  "Enoch" are not considered the canonical  Gospels of the Old & New Testaments. And, I firmly believe that the KJV Bible is, in fact ordained and has, in my opinion been proven in ways too numerous to mention. But, I find it fascinating how much there is to learn concerning a cross-reference of such Books, i.e., Enoch, Giants, Jubilees as it rounds out so so much. And, it is THIS HUNGER that we MUST ascribe to or rather...a desire to stay Hungry. Having said this, I submit this for your perusal!

Biblical Tree Remains, A Closer Look, Tree Fibers... Biblical Tree Remains, Who Cut Down The Trees...

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