Saturday, July 23, 2022

Grace For Purpose- Jezebel Was Much WORSE Than You Think!

I am NOT familiar with this Channel but this was in my Feed and I think it very appropriate, a commentary for todays World. The "Jezebel Spirit" reigns supreme in this sorry World with all their Satanic/Luciferian Media tactics, even having Satanic Masses at such Events as the Grammy's and so on. Look at how they are dressed; Just like a Jezebel! The Fallen Angels taught man all about Metallurgy, Chemistry, Alchemy, and, much, much more. Cosmetology, with the Art of Seduction is evident in all the Egyptian Hieroglyphics, along with more evidence of Chimeras, that of the likes of Centaur's, half fox/half man, etc. The Fallen tampered with the DNA, hoping that they could ruin the Line and Blood of Jesus Christ. In todays World, all these things are still very self-evident. Soon, during the Tribulation, it will be seen how the Military has made "Super Soldiers" in their efforts to fight off Jesus as we ride behind our King! I personally believe that the main reason that they've collected the Bones of Giants is two-fold; to undermine the Biblical truth of their existence as well as to extract their DNA. Supposedly, they found the Crypt of "Nimrod" in stasis, (there are pictures found online) and you can only imagine if they have extracted DNA from these? The Jezebel Spirit most assuredly creeps in on many a man. If you do not believe me, think of this; More Wars have been falsely fought in the Name of God than at any other time as well as for the supposed Women they are charged to protect. But, we are NOT given a spirit of Fear. Thank you, Jesus!!

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