Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Billie Eilish And The Devil Before Your Eyes

I realize that much of my own life, I sat in the Darkness thinking it was me. And, notice, when you turn on the Light (Jesus) it seems to hurt your eyes, at first. But, then you're bathed in it's warmth and can actually SEE all that is nasty sitting beside you! Heed the WARNING! Even in the Bibles' times, people were convinced to harm themselves. The ROOT is SATAN but, YOU cannot see it/him because you choose to continue to sit in the Dark. Turn on the LIGHT, it's just that simple and Jesus WILL say that He knows YOU!

Saturday, December 11, 2021

12 COVID Autopsy Cases Reveal the TRUTH "How COVID Patients Dying"

Personally, I am NOT denying the cause and effect of this Virus. My issue, if it were is with the "Inoculations," for lack of a better word. There are too many "IFs" not to mention the fact that, for all intent and purpose, the Shots ARE the Clinical/Field Trials. It is FACT, as well that any FDA Approval for ANY Drug has only come when there has been a clear path to Adherance to Protocols,Record of Prognosis,Factual Testing, a myriad towards Cause and Effect, etc. And, these Findings have only been standable once years of Testing, etc. has accurred. In this instance, they rushed out a plethora of different Drugs, ALL of which came with serious side effects causing morbidity, at the very least. Most assuredly, "Big Pharma" is making Millions will No Recourse! Just in case you're not privy to the likes of deadly-shot caller, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID and his 3-Ring Circus Sideshow, the good Doctor gave a eye-opening 2017 Lecture at George Washington University. which, by the way, is recorded for posterity AND evidence. Fauci was quite chipper as he engaged the Med Students that day and plainly eluded that, "This Administration (Trump) WILL HAVE a surprise Pandemic!" Now, I don't know about you, but, either he's a diabolical Psychic or he had an Ace with a Viral Load, up his sleeve? Then, several years proir, (approx. 2004) Fauci fathered, in a jointly authored a Paper whereby he wrote of the Corona-19 Virus, which I am quite certain was brought to fruition via "Gain of Function Research." Three Physicians Co-Authored this piece and all had come to the same conclusion that Corona-19 (Covid-19) was no more than the Common Cold. This Paper can be found, and, read, as I did in the "New England Journal of Medicine." And, by the way, did I happen to mention the mRNA Rapid-Protein Inducer or the Graphene Oxide in every single dosage given to you? Did I mention the fact that Google owns the Patent #060606 for this Virus? And, finally, did I mention that every person that receives an injection can now be Tracked with a Bar-Code, readily readable with any app? Simply hold the Reader over the injection site! Jusy sayin'!

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

S4C- Saved From Hell And Tribulation 2021

'Don't Even Get Me Started': John Kennedy Gives Fiery Anti-Roe V. Wade S...

Thank God in Heaven that we still have some semblance of Righteous Indignation spoken by the American people. And, I'm grateful for the likes of Senator John Kennedy,to, at the very least, make people think! However, I'm increasingly aware that we are surrounded by Stupid People and certainly NOT the "Fair Minded People" Sen. Kennedy spoke of. Only an imbecile would think that Abortion is anything but MURDER! That is, unless you're CHOOSING not to see the Truth? There will be Hell to pay, people and God help these stupid obnoxious people!!

Sunday, November 21, 2021

S4C- Living For God In Babylon

For all intent and purpose, this should be, The Father willing, Pastor Sandy's last Sermon. I hate this World and I pray fervently for our deliverence, our Harpazo/Paralambano/Blessed Hope from this God-forsaken Land. Please Lord, we Pray that you find us worthy? The Vido cuts off a few minutes too soon. You can watch the few minutes missing here; S4C- Living For God In Babylon- Camera 2

Friday, November 19, 2021

"The Coming Convergence"- Full Movie

Biblical Prophesy is happening so fast, so vastly that even this Movie, made in 2017 is somewhat behind the times. And yet, this Movie is completely En pointe and Chronologically Factual. We are most assuredly living in the "Terminal Generation." The stark contrast which defines what a "Generation" actually is, and it is my understanding that, when it defines a generation, in Psalm's 90:10, when it speaks towards "70 years or 80 by grace" a linguist, living in Greece, who speaks Greek has stated that it is NOT, by any means about grace or health for that matter. No, in fact it is a verb, an action word which does not define broadly as many of our English words do, but, speaks EXACTLY about "PRIDE, pointing towards Israel!" Of course, the passage is written to Israel not the Filthy Dogs Goyim/Gentiles. Thus, I firmly believe that there is no time left, mathematically speaking, for the 7 yrs. 6 mon. left of Tribulation, which is about to start any minute. The Church MUST be removed before the coming Age, the New World Order. Everything is being set-up, from Behind the Scenes dirty dealings, the handy dandy Rona Jump-n-Jab, the Financial Reset, Societal Upset, CRT, Radical Racial Disparity and the list goes on and on, too numerous to expand. And, what does that mean? In my estimation, it projects that we are in a High Watch Time, right now for the Rapture! And, I don't know about you, but, I am sick and tired of being Sick-n-Tired. I am tired of being in Pain, living amongst hateful people in a World where nothing makes sense anymore and Satan roars like a Lion causing havoc whilst his Minions get wealthier, teaching the youth of today, all that Hate and soft-selling Satanic behavior! I am a Stranger to The Land and this is not my Home. It is NOT your Home, either! I am extremely Grateful for The Lords watchful Hand as He has Blessed Me and Mine so bountifully! Please Merciful Master, take us Home? We ask in Your Name to Teach us to instruct others and still Plant the Seeds of Righteousness before the Time is up! Such little Time! Please tell me if there is someone YOU'RE Praying for and we'll Pray together? Remember, our Master is Sovereign, He hears the Prayers of the Saints and where two or more, are gathered in His Name, Jesus/Yeshua Ha'Mashich, so too will He be!! Now is the Time, to Pray like you've never Prayed and remember two things, within the confines of those Prayers; #1. "Ask and you shall recieve, seek and you shall find. Knock and the Door will be opened!" (Matthew 7:7, Luke 11:9 (ד. Dalet means "The Door!"And,Jesus is The Door!!) #2. *They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household.” (Acts16:3) Lists of Bible passages of your Entire Households Saved

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Are you awake yet! This was planned!

I vetted this Story, myself! The fact that more than 500,000 Container Ships are Docked in Port as well as Off-Shore, across the US , Canada and Mexico is disturbing. And, I questioned the validity of their claim that there were "not enough workers to keep all 3 Cranes going!" Well, this somewhat explains why the _"Ever Given"_ Container Ship, which had supposedly blow off course would hold up Shipping "for months." The thing is, anybody with even a little common sense knows that the Suez Canal operates, when in confined places such as the straits, the Ships relinquish control to the Tugboat Captains and they process them through the Canal. So, they'd said it was because the Ever Given had lost both engines. But, that's what Tugboats do, they keep the Ships from going aground. Yes, it held ALL THE SHIPS up for weeks.And, now this; Link Below

S4C- Rapture Mystery Revealed

Monday, September 6, 2021

RMBC HEBREWCLUB #114: " Pt2 "The Bible Is Truth 9/2/21

Why Feast of Trumpets is RAPTURE Time

Please heed the WARNING...If you are laughing, mocking or scoffing... STILL when you see or hear News, other than the awful News of today but hearing The Good News about the Rapture, please ask yourself just WHY you are behaving just as the Bible said you would in 2 Peter 3:3-4; "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." This is one of the best explanations, concerning the explanation of the Rapture! This was in my YT Feed, today, 9/6/21. I watched it, not even realizing that it was an OLD VIDEO but The Spirit tells me that this is instruction for today. We were on the right track, even in 2017 with the Rev.12 Sign, it was just delayed!

Jesus is coming soon!!!!


Friday, September 3, 2021

This is My Story | Episode # 1091 | Perry Stone

I've often asked myself this question; Barbara, Prophetically, what do YOU believe? Well, I'm not so sure that I beieve everything that Perry Stone Preaches, Says, or Sells but one thing I do know; The Holy Spirit is rife throughout THIS Testimony. Now, personally, I had lived an EVIL life and damn proud of it...then. I took PRIDE in the Fear that I conveyed. I took PRIDE in Teaching my Sons just how to be Hateful and take no BS from anybody, not to mention how to be a good Criminal. But, Jesus changed me, altered, re-tailored my whole being and now, I am so waiting for the Rapture, I can't stand it here any longer!Yes, people, the Rapture IS COMING and I'd say within the month of September (Feast of Trumpets)!

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Starfish Story

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?” The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.” “Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!” After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said…” I made a difference for that one.”
Original Story by: Loren Eisley

The Pot is Steadily Boiling; Commentary on The Last Days Channel by Keegan Fernandes

I found this Commentary from an astute Brother, Keegan Fernandes and never ever could I have written it so well. The Comment was on (from The Last Days Channel); OUR DEPARTURE IS AT HAND : NORMAL ISN'T COMING BACK...JESUS IS! The Bible is fulfilling itself. What a time to be alive! It predicts perilous times (2 Timothy 3); a Romans 1 society, characterized by depravity. Evil and violence abound together and will only escalate. The "birth pangs" will continue to intensify anf accelerate as we are seeing floods, fires, droughts, and hurricanes engulf the world. Creation is groaning! The the Bible says these things must happen. God is warning because He always warns before He judges and the world is facing judgment. It is being judged now but far worse is coming during the Tribulation. This is just a warm-up! God is allowing some pre-tribulation birth pains on the entire world but what we see happening today is minor compared to what is coming. The Church will be absent during that Tribulation time, so in the meantime, may we have a greater burden to save people from the wrath to come. The consequences for a world that rejects Jesus Christ are unthinkable. Lastly, I believe there is chaos on earth because Satan knows his time is short and he has ramped up his activity. He is getting new recruits for his kingdom. This is all the more reason we must be salt and light in these final days. With God marginalized and mocked, society today mirror the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah! This already fractured world will completely collapse under the weight of the tribulation period. The closing days of the Church Age are a challenge for all mankind. For the Godless, these days cannot make sense. For those who know the Bible, it has the road map ahead all spelled out for us! HAVE WE REACHED A BOILING POINT?! Todd Hampson "Enter 2020. The events of 2020 including the Covid-19 man-made (excuse me, I mean “gain-of-function”) virus was released—as was lawlessness, violence, deception, deep political corruption, and other moral evils on a broader scale than we had ever seen or been made aware of. And this time, these signs were happening globally! It was as if we entered a “medium-boil” phase. Whereas those of us paying attention to signs that lined up with end-time conditions used to be able to identify just about every significant prophetic stage-setting event fairly easily, now I literally cannot keep up! I liken it to battlefield tactics. As long as it is possible, a soldier on the field carefully notes each detail that will help him understand the coming battle. The more intel the better. But once the battle begins to get thick, the soldier’s attention has to turn to more pressing matters. The soldier must decide on what is priority in order to complete the mission. This necessarily means the soldier must decide what to focus on, even though he knows there are more key details he could assess at any given moment. The pot is beginning to boil and I can’t keep track of all of the bubbles! Here are a few noteworthy details that have come to light the past few weeks that I have looked into on a cursory level, but haven’t had time to research fully. The recent list includes: record-breaking wildfires, heat waves, flooding, mass animal deaths, droughts, famine, and major riots (in South Africa and Cuba to name two). Meanwhile inflation is occurring, the workforce in America can’t keep up with the demand because people are being paid to stay home. People who have been fully vaccinated are still being infected with the Cover-19 virus. A video shows a school function where a woman is saying those opposed to critical race theory should die—and the crowd applauses. The San Fransisco Gay Men’s Choir put out a creepy music video informing anyone who believes in traditional marriage that they are “coming for your children.” A Brazilian taboo artist turns himself into a demonic looking ORC (from the Lord of the Rings Series) by tattooing his eye balls, removing his nose and implanting horns. More shows celebrating witchcraft and the occult are launching in the fall. So many in the world are ready to welcome and embrace all things demonic and evil. But wait, there’s more…A company in Ireland is looking to fund the creation of a colossal moving, speaking statue known as “The Giant” in 21 cities by the end of the year. There have been 321 mass shootings already in 2021 leaving 352 people dead and 1,331 injured. The “vaccines” have caused the death of thousands (according to official/verifiable records) and various whistleblowers are claiming these numbers are much lower than the reality. Russia and China are flexing their military muscles regularly. Iran is close to having nuclear weapon capability at the same time Israel is facing major internal challenges. Macron (surely having consulted with other European leaders who will follow suit) announced a “vaccine pass” to be implemented in order to take part in normal activities. On top of all of this, apostasy in the church is growing steadily through “wokeness,” teachings by people claiming to be apostles (which is a Scriptural impossibility since they did not witness the events of Christ’s ministry in the first century [See Acts 1:21-22, and Ephesians 2:20]), and other mind-bending heresies that gut the truth of Scripture and the fundamentals of the true Christian faith. I could go on and on. This is just the tip of the iceberg! Ten years ago globalism was a conspiracy theory, the conditions needed for the Ezekiel 38 war seemed impossible, technology had not yet reached the mark-of-the-beast level, and America was sick but still fighting. In 2021 all of that has changed. We are trending toward a rapid boil and could be there at any moment. Liquids boil at different temperatures depending on the molecular structure of the liquid and the amount of air pressure (due to altitude) that is pressing down on the liquid. The air pressure restrains the boil until such a time when the pressure of the boil is greater than the air pressure restraining it. The Lord could cause the heat to be turned down and the water could cool a bit, but it doesn’t seem that is the case and I don’t read anything like that in Scripture. Jesus said he would come quickly (Greek word tacos, which means rapidly/when things are revved up), and end-time birth pains (whether Braxton Hicks or the real thing) won’t stop once they have begun. We are heading full speed into everything the Bible prophesies about the future tribulation period—and our generation is seeing it all unfold! By the way, if you are taking note of end-time signs and conditions you are in good company. The Old Testament prophets and even the angels have longed to understand the timeframe we are currently in. In 1 Peter 1:10-12 we read, “Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah (1st coming) and the glories that would follow (2nd coming/Millennial Kingdom). It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things” Notice the key details I highlighted in the verses above. The prophets longed to understand the “time and circumstances” related to the 1st and 2nd coming! In the midst of the struggle to live in our day we need to remember how blessed we are to see these things! Thankfully God’s people will be removed (via the rapture) prior to God’s judgment of the world (as has been the clear pattern of his activity in times past and his stated intentions at the end of the age), but that doesn’t mean we won’t live in dangerous times prior to the rapture. In fact, 2 Timothy 3:1-5 tells us as much. We are not left uninformed. My friends, it seems the air pressure is about to be lifted and the rapid boil is soon to begin. When the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit indwelled Church is removed via the rapture—the preserving pressure of the salt and light will allow the world to move immediately into a rapid boil. I dare not set dates or even years, but unless the Lord intervenes in a major way (and He could, he’s done it before), it seems to me that we are nearing the time of the rapture. I know several generations of believers in different eras of church history have thought the same, but never in the history of the world have there been so many signs and conditions in place as they are right now. We have a front row seat to prophecy and end-time conditions. If you are reading this article and have never accepted the gift of salvation offered and paid for by Jesus Christ—please do so now! Noah seemed crazy until the rain started. But soon, the world was covered by violent water like a massive boiling pot. Please don’t ignore the conditions that are screaming at us that the Lord is real, that time is short, that judgment is coming, and that Jesus paid it all. It doesn’t matter what your past is, or how hard you have run from God. Today is the day of salvation. Jesus paid it all. Please come to him now! You too can have hope, clarity, and joy in the midst of these increasingly disruptive world conditions. He promises to never leave us." NORMAL ISN’T COMING BACK, JESUS IS!: We are on the cusp on the rapture! God bless Bro Keegan Watchman in the wilderness

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Afghanistan: 2 Men Fall To Death Mid-air From Plane Taking Off From Kabul...

Most do not realize the severity of these actions, the times we are now living in. This is one of the many "Set-Ups" to the Great Tribulation whereby the Jihadi/Muslim/Islamic take-over is evident. The Pot is beginning to Boil and you can bet, with the taking of Afghanistan, this will only Fuel the Fire of their zealot ideals. This will nothing but make them believe they are unstoppable. And, the fact that America just bowed out, bowing down to the Islamic Terrorists only cinches it all up in a nice cozy bag of BS. I mean, my goodness, it is so scary for these people, which have been "Tarred" and paraded through the Streets, if not Executed pronto, the woman Raped, Beaten and made to wear the full Burkas, it is all unconchable. The idea that the U.S. C-130s ushering many out of Afghanistan had many Men hanging on to the sides of the Plane and then falling to their Deaths is beyond the Pale. I don't know, is it worse to have the knowledge that U.S. Pilots are reporting that they found "Body Parts" in the Landing Gear?

The False Prophet Speaks - The Beast is About to Arrive.

"We've lost contact". Please Pray for the Church in Afghanistan.

May the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob hear the cries of His Church and deliver them as only He can do. In the Name of Jesus, we pray! Amen!

Friday, August 13, 2021

RMBC HEBREWCLUB #112: Pt2 "Jonah & The End Of Days"

Matt Walsh- Father of 4; Children Mandated to Wear Masks


"They know we aren’t going to cooperate with lockdowns and masking again if they push the same narrative. That’s why they’re pretending that kids are dying left and right from the virus. It’s the one thing that will make even rational people panic. What a vile tactic. But effective."
Matt Walsh

From; 100% Fed Up 

 You Can Find Mr. Walsh at; The Matt Walsh Blog

Thursday, August 12, 2021

S4C- Jonah And The End Of The Days

Shoot, I gotta go find the Shop Vacc to clean up this mess. My mind's blown, once again, lol!

Friday, July 30, 2021

The Untold TRUTH Behind Illegal Immigration- Candace Owens

I used to believe that Trump was gonna swoop in, save the day and STOP THIS NONSENSE. But, I have since figured out, that that was a false ideal and it stands to reason that "it is what it is, and it's right on time!" What do I mean by that, you ask? Well, the WHOLE situation, happenings, going's on today, well it only reiterates the fact that we are, at any minute ready to jump into the ugliest Tribulation. Now, that is comforting to me as I believe that before Tribulation, is the Rapture of the Church. However, uh, these people that do not want to hear the Gospell, well, they're about to be hit by a Mack Truck and it's beyond sad! Plant seeds where you can because Time Is Up!

Thursday, July 29, 2021

COOL CONFIRMATIONS- Michael @ Humble Seeker

One of the most brilliant and spirit-filled men to study Eschatology, Michael @ Humble Seeker has never been one for theatrics nor has he spouted off Rapture dates time upon time as many have. Thus, I am taking his intrinsic calculations, as serious as a Heart Attack! I suggest that you watch this, watch a few of his more recent Videos so you might get up to speed or, quite actually to prove to yourself this real, true possibility as well as to understand how Michael has arrived at his conjecture. I believe and this is just my own humble opinion, that the Rapture will any minute, any moment. Cloud Party Time!!

Friday, July 23, 2021

#4 The Crazies- California police sergeant rips Newsom for denying crime spike

Right now, we've dipped our Toe into the Vat of Tribulation. If YOU can't see it, go to the Doctor right now and have them check your Eyesight!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

#3 The Crazies- San Francisco locals react to rampant shoplifting, break-ins | Fox News ...

California, San Francisco has become the "Playbook" for what will too soon happen across the U.S. Lawlessness WILL abound, guaranteed. When you have people shouting ,"Defund the Police" and then Officials (namely Democratic) make it so easy, basically pointless to stop these people, it has become a piria, a "pain where the Pill can't get to" as my Grandpa used to say. We are easing right into Tribulation. Soon though, it will become unbearable to leave your Home. Rapture us soon, sweet Jesus?

Monday, July 19, 2021

S4C- A Word From God

#3 Faith In Action- Tucker hosts explosive interview with actor Jon Voight on faith

I've always liked Jon Voight, as a person, per se and as an Actor throughout the years. He is ot a complicated man and yet,he isremelyboldtostand up, be counted, counted on the Conservative side. Hollywood and their icons, well, as least these days, they've turned into hate-filled, Satanic, Homosexual "Scoopers." What are "Scoopers?" Many in Hollywood, in case you haven't noticed are hellbent on shoveling their lifestyle rhetoric, down our collective throats. It is tiring. What's the point? Well, it has become noticeable when someone such as Jon Voight stands up and lets you know the Truth of the matter. How refreshing!

Sunday, July 18, 2021

#2 The Crazies- What We Should ALL Be Doing Right Now! 😷 (ORIGINAL)

"Life, as we know it will NEVER go back to how it was." They say this now, as if, in this Generation that the Decline of Man has been an obscure, far off mindset. But, I find "Life as we know it" is as insidious and as crazy as a Loon! Nope, do not expect things, in any way, shape or fashion to resemble normalcy because THAT, my friends has been out the window for at least, well, before Christ walked this Earth. *I'd Laugh if I could just stop Crying! 
*Not really crying but rejoicing as I know, without a bit of reservation that the Rapture is this year, in 2021 and if nothing else, I'm the next month!

#3 Beyond Fascinating- Dog Stares At Wall For Days, So Dad Sets Up a Hidden Camera

#2 Faith in Action- God’s Name being Spelled out on the Temple Mount’s Eastern Wall

From a Story Please read this extremely engaging Story as to the relevance, even today of the Holy Letters upon the Western Wall, also known as the Wailing Wall!

Saturday, July 17, 2021


When I first started watching this Video, I thought to myself, "Well, this is silly. He's got a Comical shading on the Video but, boy, did his words ring true. Yes, we can learn as a Scholar or even in the most mundane of things. This, in particular made me realize, "I've had a LOT of Crap plopped upon me." I can look back, now, to 44 years ago TODAY when I was in a horrendous Car accident, one which crippled me in so many ways and completely changed and altered my life and my way of thinking. I mean, it was bad enough that I had Brain damage (this explains EVERYTHING, lol!). 

The fact remains, that I can now look back and clearly see that a lot of DUNG has been thrown on me. And, it has taken all this time, 62 1/2 years, as of 7/17/21, to see that there shall be NO "Pity Party" for me after ceremoniously having had DUNG FLUNG upon me all these years. Nah, it shall be a Heavenly Celebration of the Lord, my God, who cared enough to prune, pinch, and, spread that dung upon me and my life so that I might grow and get all that He is saying. 

Today, Sat., 7/17 I now know, without any reservation, that God the Father has Blessed BUT rode me hard for a reason. Jesus has walked along, beside me, every single day but I was often "Stuck on Stupid" and not able to see it. And, lastly, the Holy Spirit has stuck with me, ALWAYS and it has taken so many, far too many years for me to get and recognize that "Whisper" or that feeling in my Gut, guiding, prompting or placing me for the greater good...of me. Thank you, Sweet Jesus, I hear You and Your Word!

#2 Beyond Fascinating - Potoo birds hauntingly beautiful sound

Potoos of Costa Rica

Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Writing is on the Wall... FINAL DAYS TO THE 9TH OF AV!!!

 Based on the Article @Israel 365 News; 


#1 The Crazies/End Times Decline-George Floyd Mural Hit By Lightening

#1 in a Series Showing End Times Decline


Remember the old adage, "No News is Good News?" Well, this time, I am sorry but the News tickled the heck out of me. Saint George, as he is called has had, more often than not, his Statues, etc., defaced or demolished. Should I be happy about it?

I realize that even in the Bible there were separations of the Peoples. In other words; "We don't always get along." But, in this instance I find myself asking this question; Am I to love "This Neighbor?"

I could very well be wrong about this, but, it is extremely hard to sit back and watch a "People's," run amuck, doing millions of dollars of damage, looting, shooting, burning...and I beg of you; Should I have love for these individuals?

God, help me to show Mercy where Mercy should be shown. Help me to "Love My Brother" and understand the delineation between the two, should there be a line drawn in the sand? And, Jesus, be my example and show me, through The Holy Spirit, how I might be an example, an Ambassador, a representation of YOU! In the Name of my Lord, my God, my King, my Everything, Jesus Christ, I ask and Pray. Amen and Amen

George Floyd Mural Hit By Lightening

Monday, July 12, 2021

A mother found a home in a Norfolk gang. Then they shot her in the face and left her for dead, prosecutors say.

It is crystal clear to me; this World is and has become beyond EVIL! This story, about a young woman, the Mother of a two-year old, found close to Death, brutally beaten, stabbed in the head, shot in the eye and, basically "Waterboarded" with Bleach is simply beyond belief. God help these jokers, these "Headed for Dead" evil entities. As for me, I'd have an extremely hard time forgiving these terrible people. 

Now, I was riding with the Pagan's MC when I was 14 years old, so I do know a thing or two about this sort of thing as this woman had been "Jumped In" to the "Outlaw Bloods" a faction of the infamous South Central L.A. Bloods which, by the way are across the Country extensively and exponentially! 
I find myself, pleading with The Father on the daily, praying that we will soon be Raptured and removed from this, ever-growing, ever-present Empire of Evil. I almost do not want to read the News because, #1, most of it is Lies & Alibies and, #2, it, if nothing else is the evidentiary compilation of the Axis of Evil across this Nation, across the World. Just as it says in Isaiah 5:20, 

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter," 

so it is never truer! And, every single day, the heinousness of our existence sits in the balance of such wretchedness. We are expected to swallow it whole in everything we watch (especially placed in every episode, movie, etc., some sort of Homosexual tryst is strategically placed), all the music on the *Airwaves, every Commercial and on ALL News Stations. It has become insidious. But, what's more absurd is the fact that people do not seem to see it, ANY OF IT? 

I fervently Pray, please, Dear Jesus As I know, without a doubt that the Church, the Believers in You, we will most certainly be removed this year, in 2021. I ask that you give us all calm assurance, hope and faith till we hear that Trumpet and You, sweet sweet Jesus, calling us Home. We are Strangers in a Strange Land and, quite honestly, we hate it here. We ask all of this, in Your Name, Jesus; our God, our King, our Everything. Amen and Amen *Airwaves, in my understanding is significant, if nothing else, because we call Satan the Prince of the Air!

Article @TheVirginiaPilot;

Monday, June 21, 2021

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson BREAKS INTERNET With Fiery Speech Slamming Biden,...

Allow me to point out the real deal, the Truth as we stand at the precipice of the Great ain't seen nothin' yet! In other words, according to the Bible, the Word, America or better known in the Bible as "Mystery Babylon, she, the Harlot has allowed the Snake/Satan into her aboad. She has let those "Jellybacked" nefarious individuals, free reign in her home and it's too late. Becqause, by allowing this sore to fester, upon the backs of Americans, by YOUR maintaining your head in the sand and not caring, it is too late; America is about to fall. YOU wanted Abortion, Dirt, Nudity,and, it appears to the naked eye, that you want Violence, Burning, Looting in YOUR Neighborhoods? YOU Elected these Officials, if nothing else because of your own negligance and give-a-shit attitude, to run your Country. And now, YOU must suffer the consequence of your lack of action...unless...YOU Call on Jesus. Time is Up and The Lord, your God has had enough of your silly Games. He WILL remove His people, The Church so they do not suffer the worst time know to mankind that is about to befall America as well as the rest of the World.Game Over! Seriously, since YOU were busy worrying about what you were gonna watch on Netflix or who you're gonna sleep with on any given Friday Night, some of us have been *studying the Good Book. The Story, for YOU if you choose NOT to heed the WARNING, is, well, for Satan to have his way with you for the next 7 yrs, 6 mon. OR, you will be, finally, beheaded at True Believers disappeared, Raptured, kept from the Hour of Temptation. Call on Jesus NOW or endure the Fire!!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

RAPTURE JUNE 25th🤯 Proof revealed that our Lord does want His Faithful a...

There are two dates which ring true or rather; Between 6/20 and 6/26, I'm betting on Rapture. But, the Summer Solstice is on Father's Day, 6/20 and that is significant. Jesus eluded that the Rapture/Natzal/Harpazo would happen when "Summer is nigh," and it doesn't get any more nigh than the Summer Solstice. Time's Up, Call on Jesus now because the worst time Humanity has ever faced is coming. But, by accepting Jesus you will escape the "Hour of Temptation!"

I, Pet Goat II Prediction Rapture in June

Please hear me-It is my FIRM Belief that the Rapture, is about to happen, most likely within the next 3 to 7 days. Time is up! Better Call on Jesus or be Left Behind!

Monday, June 14, 2021

6th Day Adam vs 8th Day Adam

Yes it's #CrunchTime and we're down to the wire. Rapture is the next Prophesy, about to come to fruition. Time is up! Better Call on Jesus!

Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Rapture Window Is Closing

Personally, I strongly believe that #TheRapture just might happen on Pentecost, this June20th-21st. Now, YOU can continue thinking all will be well, all will go back as it was or that Trump is gonna save the day. But, Trump signed the EO for the Noahide Laws, just as HW Bush had. (NWO & 1000 Points of Light) In those Laws and Bi-Laws, some 600+ deep, it plainly tells how it is an Executable Offense, as Idol worship to Worship Jesus. And, Trump had to have known it right along with, he also knew that there were/are MAJOR problems with the Inoculation, right? The ONLY ONE you can count on is #Jesus and you'd better call on Him now! Time's Up!

Mom Goes Nuclear On School Board Over Critical Race Theory

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Tradition Of The Antichrist

Everything today is designed to make you afraid, scared of "what's next?" But, if you are a Believer, you have NOTHING TO FEAR! However, I'll tell you what; If you don't know, really know and have a relationship with Jesus, the kind where HE knows YOUR name, well, I'd be afraid, VERY AFRAID! Because, its only going to get worse...I PROMISE! Call on Jesus, NOW!

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Warning London @ Leicester Square

It takes more GUTS than you can imagine, for me to stand up here, looking like a JOKE to you. But, just imagine; if there is a room full of people and the lights go out and I have The Flashlight, should I not pull out my Flashlight? Should I leave YOU IN THE DARK? And, I am DEAD SERIOUS, your time is up if you do not get into a relationship with the Lord, your God, Jesus Christ...The Messiah! You don't even realize it but, they have you backed into a corner. God MUST ACT now, for His People. Are you, one of HIS?

Evidence of the Coming Seven X God Comet at Passover! Pole Shift Potential!

Forbidden footage of actual location of Red Sea Crossing & Mt. Sinai

Friday, February 12, 2021

RMBC HEBREWCLUB #87: pt2 The Last Clue Before Departure

The Last Clue Before Departure

It's Time To Pick A Side!

People, we are, as well as you and yours,  are backed into a corner. We've allowed ourselves to Ruled & Ruined by an Evil Society. I mean, the Truth of the matter is that YOU ARE OWNED! The Deep State have their hooks in your jowls and they're beginning to tug on them.

It has become time when YOU must Pick A Side and NOT allow yourself to be bullied, pandered to, or plucked from it, your position. This Is War and you'd better realize that, you can no longer go about your business, keep your head down and pray the day will pass. The facts of the matter are so that, well, it's only downhill from here and not the good downhill where you might rest on your laurels.

Pretty soon, you will be told that you MUST take this Vacc's and there is no, if, and, or but's about it. If you want to work, go to the grocery, if you want your SSI/SSD check in the mail...YOU WILL BOW! Yes, it has become this serious, just do your research and you realize that FEMA has set up, thus far, more than 265 Camps (or Campuses as they'll call them) just waiting to accommodate us! Because, when it's all said and done, people, the likes of Bill Gates, want to "depopulate this earth as it's not sustainable." 

We're in such a terrible dilemma that we MUST follow the *Georgia Guidestones! Pray tell then, Billy Boy Gate, (who, I vote should be the 1st to go), why then has the Gov't, paid the Heartland of America, the Farmers to plow their Crops into the ground? Why have they paid these Farmers to kill off their Cattle, etc.. and paid them NOT TO FARM? Nah, we have enough food to sustain ourselves as well as other Countries to boot!

The Evil permeates America with it's 65 million Abortions, many of whom are AFTER DELIVERY! And, you betcha, Billy Boy Gates' daddy, the Sr. Gates was the Head of Planned Parenthood. And, to add insult to injury, the American Taxpayer pays for these Abortions, in a City near you. Yes, yearly, the Gov't gives millions to  Planned Parenthood, your hard earned Taxes, to cover the killing of innocent babies. God will not be mocked by these abominations!

Scratch everything you know about Christianity, even what your Pastor taught you. And, go back and read The Word for yourself. Learn how Jesus Christ paid for YOUR SIN on the Cross and you only need to acknowledge that He is God. Soon, and I do mean very soon, Jesus will return, on the clouds and call up the true Believers in The Rapture of the Church. I pray that You & Yours are amongst those that will escape ALL that is to come. In the meantime, put on the Full Armor of God as we are most assuredly, RIGHT NOW, TODAY, in a Spiritual Battle. And, by the way, Jesus is our King and a Warrior and, well, I know how the Story ends! I pray you'll heed the WARNING AND CALL ON JESUS!

Georgia Guidestones;

Shooting @Capitol Building (The Real Deal)