Saturday, December 11, 2021

12 COVID Autopsy Cases Reveal the TRUTH "How COVID Patients Dying"

Personally, I am NOT denying the cause and effect of this Virus. My issue, if it were is with the "Inoculations," for lack of a better word. There are too many "IFs" not to mention the fact that, for all intent and purpose, the Shots ARE the Clinical/Field Trials. It is FACT, as well that any FDA Approval for ANY Drug has only come when there has been a clear path to Adherance to Protocols,Record of Prognosis,Factual Testing, a myriad towards Cause and Effect, etc. And, these Findings have only been standable once years of Testing, etc. has accurred. In this instance, they rushed out a plethora of different Drugs, ALL of which came with serious side effects causing morbidity, at the very least. Most assuredly, "Big Pharma" is making Millions will No Recourse! Just in case you're not privy to the likes of deadly-shot caller, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID and his 3-Ring Circus Sideshow, the good Doctor gave a eye-opening 2017 Lecture at George Washington University. which, by the way, is recorded for posterity AND evidence. Fauci was quite chipper as he engaged the Med Students that day and plainly eluded that, "This Administration (Trump) WILL HAVE a surprise Pandemic!" Now, I don't know about you, but, either he's a diabolical Psychic or he had an Ace with a Viral Load, up his sleeve? Then, several years proir, (approx. 2004) Fauci fathered, in a jointly authored a Paper whereby he wrote of the Corona-19 Virus, which I am quite certain was brought to fruition via "Gain of Function Research." Three Physicians Co-Authored this piece and all had come to the same conclusion that Corona-19 (Covid-19) was no more than the Common Cold. This Paper can be found, and, read, as I did in the "New England Journal of Medicine." And, by the way, did I happen to mention the mRNA Rapid-Protein Inducer or the Graphene Oxide in every single dosage given to you? Did I mention the fact that Google owns the Patent #060606 for this Virus? And, finally, did I mention that every person that receives an injection can now be Tracked with a Bar-Code, readily readable with any app? Simply hold the Reader over the injection site! Jusy sayin'!

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