Friday, July 30, 2021

The Untold TRUTH Behind Illegal Immigration- Candace Owens

I used to believe that Trump was gonna swoop in, save the day and STOP THIS NONSENSE. But, I have since figured out, that that was a false ideal and it stands to reason that "it is what it is, and it's right on time!" What do I mean by that, you ask? Well, the WHOLE situation, happenings, going's on today, well it only reiterates the fact that we are, at any minute ready to jump into the ugliest Tribulation. Now, that is comforting to me as I believe that before Tribulation, is the Rapture of the Church. However, uh, these people that do not want to hear the Gospell, well, they're about to be hit by a Mack Truck and it's beyond sad! Plant seeds where you can because Time Is Up!

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