Monday, July 12, 2021

A mother found a home in a Norfolk gang. Then they shot her in the face and left her for dead, prosecutors say.

It is crystal clear to me; this World is and has become beyond EVIL! This story, about a young woman, the Mother of a two-year old, found close to Death, brutally beaten, stabbed in the head, shot in the eye and, basically "Waterboarded" with Bleach is simply beyond belief. God help these jokers, these "Headed for Dead" evil entities. As for me, I'd have an extremely hard time forgiving these terrible people. 

Now, I was riding with the Pagan's MC when I was 14 years old, so I do know a thing or two about this sort of thing as this woman had been "Jumped In" to the "Outlaw Bloods" a faction of the infamous South Central L.A. Bloods which, by the way are across the Country extensively and exponentially! 
I find myself, pleading with The Father on the daily, praying that we will soon be Raptured and removed from this, ever-growing, ever-present Empire of Evil. I almost do not want to read the News because, #1, most of it is Lies & Alibies and, #2, it, if nothing else is the evidentiary compilation of the Axis of Evil across this Nation, across the World. Just as it says in Isaiah 5:20, 

"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter," 

so it is never truer! And, every single day, the heinousness of our existence sits in the balance of such wretchedness. We are expected to swallow it whole in everything we watch (especially placed in every episode, movie, etc., some sort of Homosexual tryst is strategically placed), all the music on the *Airwaves, every Commercial and on ALL News Stations. It has become insidious. But, what's more absurd is the fact that people do not seem to see it, ANY OF IT? 

I fervently Pray, please, Dear Jesus As I know, without a doubt that the Church, the Believers in You, we will most certainly be removed this year, in 2021. I ask that you give us all calm assurance, hope and faith till we hear that Trumpet and You, sweet sweet Jesus, calling us Home. We are Strangers in a Strange Land and, quite honestly, we hate it here. We ask all of this, in Your Name, Jesus; our God, our King, our Everything. Amen and Amen *Airwaves, in my understanding is significant, if nothing else, because we call Satan the Prince of the Air!

Article @TheVirginiaPilot;

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