Thursday, July 15, 2021

#1 The Crazies/End Times Decline-George Floyd Mural Hit By Lightening

#1 in a Series Showing End Times Decline


Remember the old adage, "No News is Good News?" Well, this time, I am sorry but the News tickled the heck out of me. Saint George, as he is called has had, more often than not, his Statues, etc., defaced or demolished. Should I be happy about it?

I realize that even in the Bible there were separations of the Peoples. In other words; "We don't always get along." But, in this instance I find myself asking this question; Am I to love "This Neighbor?"

I could very well be wrong about this, but, it is extremely hard to sit back and watch a "People's," run amuck, doing millions of dollars of damage, looting, shooting, burning...and I beg of you; Should I have love for these individuals?

God, help me to show Mercy where Mercy should be shown. Help me to "Love My Brother" and understand the delineation between the two, should there be a line drawn in the sand? And, Jesus, be my example and show me, through The Holy Spirit, how I might be an example, an Ambassador, a representation of YOU! In the Name of my Lord, my God, my King, my Everything, Jesus Christ, I ask and Pray. Amen and Amen

George Floyd Mural Hit By Lightening

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