Saturday, July 17, 2021


When I first started watching this Video, I thought to myself, "Well, this is silly. He's got a Comical shading on the Video but, boy, did his words ring true. Yes, we can learn as a Scholar or even in the most mundane of things. This, in particular made me realize, "I've had a LOT of Crap plopped upon me." I can look back, now, to 44 years ago TODAY when I was in a horrendous Car accident, one which crippled me in so many ways and completely changed and altered my life and my way of thinking. I mean, it was bad enough that I had Brain damage (this explains EVERYTHING, lol!). 

The fact remains, that I can now look back and clearly see that a lot of DUNG has been thrown on me. And, it has taken all this time, 62 1/2 years, as of 7/17/21, to see that there shall be NO "Pity Party" for me after ceremoniously having had DUNG FLUNG upon me all these years. Nah, it shall be a Heavenly Celebration of the Lord, my God, who cared enough to prune, pinch, and, spread that dung upon me and my life so that I might grow and get all that He is saying. 

Today, Sat., 7/17 I now know, without any reservation, that God the Father has Blessed BUT rode me hard for a reason. Jesus has walked along, beside me, every single day but I was often "Stuck on Stupid" and not able to see it. And, lastly, the Holy Spirit has stuck with me, ALWAYS and it has taken so many, far too many years for me to get and recognize that "Whisper" or that feeling in my Gut, guiding, prompting or placing me for the greater good...of me. Thank you, Sweet Jesus, I hear You and Your Word!

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