Friday, November 19, 2021

"The Coming Convergence"- Full Movie

Biblical Prophesy is happening so fast, so vastly that even this Movie, made in 2017 is somewhat behind the times. And yet, this Movie is completely En pointe and Chronologically Factual. We are most assuredly living in the "Terminal Generation." The stark contrast which defines what a "Generation" actually is, and it is my understanding that, when it defines a generation, in Psalm's 90:10, when it speaks towards "70 years or 80 by grace" a linguist, living in Greece, who speaks Greek has stated that it is NOT, by any means about grace or health for that matter. No, in fact it is a verb, an action word which does not define broadly as many of our English words do, but, speaks EXACTLY about "PRIDE, pointing towards Israel!" Of course, the passage is written to Israel not the Filthy Dogs Goyim/Gentiles. Thus, I firmly believe that there is no time left, mathematically speaking, for the 7 yrs. 6 mon. left of Tribulation, which is about to start any minute. The Church MUST be removed before the coming Age, the New World Order. Everything is being set-up, from Behind the Scenes dirty dealings, the handy dandy Rona Jump-n-Jab, the Financial Reset, Societal Upset, CRT, Radical Racial Disparity and the list goes on and on, too numerous to expand. And, what does that mean? In my estimation, it projects that we are in a High Watch Time, right now for the Rapture! And, I don't know about you, but, I am sick and tired of being Sick-n-Tired. I am tired of being in Pain, living amongst hateful people in a World where nothing makes sense anymore and Satan roars like a Lion causing havoc whilst his Minions get wealthier, teaching the youth of today, all that Hate and soft-selling Satanic behavior! I am a Stranger to The Land and this is not my Home. It is NOT your Home, either! I am extremely Grateful for The Lords watchful Hand as He has Blessed Me and Mine so bountifully! Please Merciful Master, take us Home? We ask in Your Name to Teach us to instruct others and still Plant the Seeds of Righteousness before the Time is up! Such little Time! Please tell me if there is someone YOU'RE Praying for and we'll Pray together? Remember, our Master is Sovereign, He hears the Prayers of the Saints and where two or more, are gathered in His Name, Jesus/Yeshua Ha'Mashich, so too will He be!! Now is the Time, to Pray like you've never Prayed and remember two things, within the confines of those Prayers; #1. "Ask and you shall recieve, seek and you shall find. Knock and the Door will be opened!" (Matthew 7:7, Luke 11:9 (Χ“. Dalet means "The Door!"And,Jesus is The Door!!) #2. *They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household.” (Acts16:3) Lists of Bible passages of your Entire Households Saved

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