Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Rapture Window Is Closing

Personally, I strongly believe that #TheRapture just might happen on Pentecost, this June20th-21st. Now, YOU can continue thinking all will be well, all will go back as it was or that Trump is gonna save the day. But, Trump signed the EO for the Noahide Laws, just as HW Bush had. (NWO & 1000 Points of Light) In those Laws and Bi-Laws, some 600+ deep, it plainly tells how it is an Executable Offense, as Idol worship to Worship Jesus. And, Trump had to have known it right along with, he also knew that there were/are MAJOR problems with the Inoculation, right? The ONLY ONE you can count on is #Jesus and you'd better call on Him now! Time's Up!

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