Friday, September 3, 2021

This is My Story | Episode # 1091 | Perry Stone

I've often asked myself this question; Barbara, Prophetically, what do YOU believe? Well, I'm not so sure that I beieve everything that Perry Stone Preaches, Says, or Sells but one thing I do know; The Holy Spirit is rife throughout THIS Testimony. Now, personally, I had lived an EVIL life and damn proud of it...then. I took PRIDE in the Fear that I conveyed. I took PRIDE in Teaching my Sons just how to be Hateful and take no BS from anybody, not to mention how to be a good Criminal. But, Jesus changed me, altered, re-tailored my whole being and now, I am so waiting for the Rapture, I can't stand it here any longer!Yes, people, the Rapture IS COMING and I'd say within the month of September (Feast of Trumpets)!

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