Wednesday, March 13, 2024

reallygraceful- Something STRANGE Is Happening in the USA 😈End Times Behavior😈

You Should Share, Right??? 😈End Times Behavior😈

Just a Peek Back for Your Viewing Pleasure!!
First, allow me to insert that I am always impressed with Videos from reallygraceful. She packs a punch in every Video!!

#1 The  Brooklyn Chabad Center- 

There are several Sects, different Factions which all live in Brooklyn. It is a very large contingent, substantial enough so that in Crown Heights, for example, they have their own Police Force. This means that if a Crime happens in that arena, NYPD will not respond or be called, per se, except where a Death has occurred and it must be Recorded. The fact that these Tunnels were found and subsequently covered over or filled in by Cement, speaks to the separations of people, Sects, etc. My Doctor grew up there and his Father still lives in Crown Heights!

#2 The Miami UAP, Alien Agenda- 

The FACT that, probably 70+ Squad Cars Responded to that Miami Mall for a supposed incidence where "Teens were Fighting," well, if it's not the biggest load of gunk we've ever been served, I just can't imagine. And, I have yet to hear the WHOLE Story, but, I can state, unequivocally that that kettle of fish stinks to high Heaven! I have seen Footage of, from the day before and a UAP/UFO in the Sky, flying rather low right behind the Mall. There was no doubt that it absolutely was a UAP. Then day two, we have Footage, shot by different individuals and if you were to ask me, it looked like it was recoded on a Flip-Phone or something? Did they, in all essence, "Jam" the frequencies, rendering the Footage to be grainy, at best? So many questions, still NO answers!

#3 The Alaska in Flight Fiasco-

I have my very own opinion concerning the Airline Industry, here parked sideways in the End of Days. What I believe and what I can prove, on almost all things, well, it's beyond frustrating as well as the bane of my own existence. Point being that I truly hold the, "out there" premise that in that Industry, lies a Bees Nest, but, the Bees are really Demonic Bees BUZZING about! Yes, sounds rather out there, huh? So, my premise or analyzation is based upon readily observed actions and behaviors.

Let's start with the blunders, just as of recent days. Doors have popped open, Engines catching Fire, midair and in the arena of Military botches, at least two Helicopters have Crashed in recent memory. You see, because they have Slave Labor over there in China, whereby we can get ALL THINGS on the Cheap, well, "Ya get what ya Pay for!" And, for China, it's all coming back to bite us in the bum, which tickles them to death. It's all a well sorted plan of Hate & Revenge!

If that's not enough for you, ponder my next supposition. From Flight Attendants to Big Feeling Ticket Agents coiled up, sweetly, ready to pounce, there in every Airport across the Nation, get ready for Power Plays of these Booking Agents as well as Flight Attendants. See, We're taught Lord Acton's axiom: all power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. And, bet your buttons, these miserable men and women get to take out there frustrations on those chosen, willy nilly, that they can Toy with and sic the Air Marshals, Airport Security or City Police upon. Now more than ever, it happens, on the daily in every Airport and Plane, at least in the U.S. of A. every day! Yes, Kids, the Power Players have risen up and their kicking arse and taking names!

But, don't be fooled; Your average America Joe/Josephine has become a Monster in their own right. One bit of agitation, one act of even accidentally stepping on toes happens and it's Fight Club, No Holed Barred! Yes, people have lost their ever lovin' minds. 

Now, if you happen to be in the vicinity of a crazed "Karen" as they're now called, standing in front of a Stewardess, oops, Flight Attendant, suddenly at loggerheads, well, put on your Safety Glasses, cover your face and plug your ears as the blood is surely to be boiled and simmered about. Try not to get any on ya, k? Yepper, people come to blows over and quarrel about the simplest affair! It's as ugly as all sin, but suffice it to say, it's in every nook and cranny of our Society, now and until our Lord and Savior Rights the Wrongs in all regards!!

So Sick of The Sycophants. Just Sayin'!!


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