Saturday, March 2, 2024

Destiny Image- Heaven's Snowstorm Saves Texas Nuclear Base from Flames 🚩Jesus is Coming🚩

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It's not often that I agree with every Preacher or Channels edict. In fact, more often than not, today, I find holes in the outlook. Now, before you call me, Mz. Narcissistic, allow me to reiterate the FACT (in BIG letters) that, contrary to popular belief, I DO NOT KNOW IT ALL! Now, before you accuse me of blathering on, allow me to say that I am on MY OWN Journey, learning something new at all times and pitching the old. What I know today is only because of Study (that to show thyself approved, right?). The sum of the matter is that I no longer believe that America will rally, that they'll be this great Revival, etc. as this Fella believes. And, more than anything, this late in the Race, I Pray that he sees the error in that flawed and romantic notion. That's it and that's all!!


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